Toes bent backward


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 25, 2012

We are first time chicken owners. This is our 8 week old Salmon Faverolle pullet. We got her from a hatchery with 18 others of assorted breeds. There is one other Salmon Faverolle and her toes do not look bent like this one's do. She eats and drinks fine, seems to be growing as well as the others, and seems to walk and scratch normally. Is this a common deformity? Will it affect her overall health in the long run? I do not remember her toes being like that as a small chick, just noticed it about two days ago. Any advice is appreciated.
if its not affecting her then don't worry too much, I had this happen to a young chick of mine and i put band aids to straighten them out and it worked. My chick had bent toes because it was hatched on a very smooth surface and for all you know it could have been there for a while and you hadnt noticed, I've heard of many people who have had this
had some do this at our place over all I think they got along just fine I am not sure why it happens

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