too early to tell the sex?

D'Uccles don't have much wattle so that's why you're not seeing any yet on this one. The comb is what makes me think rooster. A little pullet would have a very tiny, pale comb at this age. Also, I'm seeing shinny, black, curved tail feathers starting to develop.

I thought he was a d'uccle at first, then settled on brahma. Since you mentioned d'uccle I started looking at pics of d'uccle chicks and wondering if that is what he is. I don't think I will buy breed assortments again. It's driving me crazy not knowing officially what they are, haha.

If this one is a roo I already have a home for him. We are moving to a more urban area this summer and can take hens, but not a rooster. I'm a bit hesitant about them any way after our EE roo turned into a big jerk and attacked everyone.
The chicken in question is definitely a roo. He hopped up on a fence this morning and crowed.
His waddle is getting larger and redder and his coloring is changing a bit. A lot more rusty orange.

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