Too Many Broodies!


6 Years
Dec 1, 2013
Nashville, TN
Hello! I have 4 hens sitting right now I've never had that many at one time. I have a couple questions.

1. They seem to be getting confused which box is theirs other than the one that is about to hatch. One of the others sat on her eggs and she threw a fit so I moved the one in there back to her box. Will they figure out which box is theirs or do I have to keep an eye on them? They are all separated from the flock they're in the garage. My concern here is that I'm out of town this coming weekend.

2. The one that is about to hatch has an egg that doesn't have much of its shell left. It's just the inner membrane. There was a little blood. There's still a heartbeat. Never seen one hatch like that is it ok or should I get rid of it?

Hello! I have 4 hens sitting right now I've never had that many at one time. I have a couple questions.

1. They seem to be getting confused which box is theirs other than the one that is about to hatch. One of the others sat on her eggs and she threw a fit so I moved the one in there back to her box. Will they figure out which box is theirs or do I have to keep an eye on them? They are all separated from the flock they're in the garage. My concern here is that I'm out of town this coming weekend.

2. The one that is about to hatch has an egg that doesn't have much of its shell left. It's just the inner membrane. There was a little blood. There's still a heartbeat. Never seen one hatch like that is it ok or should I get rid of it?


I wouldn't count on them remembering which nest is which. I'd try to separate them if you can. I've definitely seen chickens keep getting confused and if one doesn't want to cooperate with the musical nests game it will lower your hatch rates.

I have no idea about that egg. I haven't seen one like that.
I wouldn't count on them remembering which nest is which. I'd try to separate them if you can. I've definitely seen chickens keep getting confused and if one doesn't want to cooperate with the musical nests game it will lower your hatch rates.

Need more info than that. Put them in different corners of the garage with food in the middle? I have two kennels but that leaves me with two extras.

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