Top 10 “Must Have” Care/Prevention & First-Aid Items


12 Years
Apr 17, 2012
South Florida
Good day to everyone!

What are your top 10 care/prevention and first-aid items, every chicken owner should have on hand all of the time?

Just another survey and food for thought, from South Florida. I’m going to put a prevention and first-aid kit together soon, as the girls will be going out to their new, permanent coop/run within the next few weeks.

I‘m looking for input on care/preventative maintenance items, such as vitamins, cough, cold, mites, etc. Also, input on items for a first-aid kit.

If needed, here are the breeds we have, (all hens):
1 Olive Egger
1 Cream Legbar
2 Swedish Flowers
2 Welsummers
2 Speckled Sussex
2 Wyandottes (1 each gold and silver)

Thanks again, in advance, for all of your input !

Remain healthy and safe !

Has anybody else put a first-aid kit together?
What human-grade items are safe for chickens?
What items do you readily keep on hand for preventative, coop housekeeping measures?

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