Topic of the Week - Incubating eggs

I've used all of the ones you pictured LLranch with good results. I generally use the more is better philosophy and then average them out. The mechanical is easy to check in ice water. I use it for a baseline. The drawback is that it takes longer to reflect temperature fluctuations. Some are missed totally if they are rapid.
First attempt at incubating. 5 Cemani eggs. Temp 99.5 and Humidity hovering between 45-58%.... Pretty excited except for the storm coming. Generator fired up and working just in case.
First attempt at incubating. 5 Cemani eggs. Temp 99.5 and Humidity hovering between 45-58%.... Pretty excited except for the storm coming. Generator fired up and working just in case.

Good luck! We're having a freezing rain storm right now and I'm worried in case the power goes out. Don't have the generator pulled out cause quite frankly we didn't think about it. Knock on wood, but our power rarely goes out in the winter. Just prayin it wont this time
Does anyone have recs (book, website, link, etc) for a good, clear set of plans for a homemade incubator? I like the cabinet-style incubators I've seen here and don't mind the extra effort involved but am open to any and all ideas. I've got a few skills and not much money which is why I'm going the homemade route. Not to mention the challenge, can't pass on it...Thanks.
Does anyone have recs (book, website, link, etc) for a good, clear set of plans for a homemade incubator? I like the cabinet-style incubators I've seen here and don't mind the extra effort involved but am open to any and all ideas. I've got a few skills and not much money which is why I'm going the homemade route. Not to mention the challenge, can't pass on it...Thanks.

Links are in here for a step-by-step video too, it really helped me visualise what I was doing.
I have a Hova-bator 2362N with 1610 egg turner and forced air fan and it does a good job I like 40% humidity while hatching and 70% last three days. I also do not candle the eggs until lockdown. I practice leave alone during incubation and lockdown.
Random question. When you have an automatic turner do all the eggs need to be taken out of it and laid on their sides after lockdown?

Yes. Technically for lockdown not
just busting on you. Some people do hatch upright in cutdown cartons after taking out the turners, but I believe the majority still lay them down to hatch. I lay them down, but I hand turn so mine are already there.

I have a Hova-bator 2362N with 1610 egg turner and forced air fan and it does a good job I like 40% humidity while hatching and 70% last three days. I also do not candle the eggs until lockdown. I practice leave alone during incubation and lockdown.

I'm an avid candler and I practice hands on during incubation and after "lockdown" lol :D
This is day 22, one chick hatched yesterday around 5pm. It is now 9:00 am next morning and no signs of life out of the other 10 eggs. I know they can hatch up to 25 days, but I'm worried about the one lonely soul in there right now. He hasn't fluffed out yet, but my humidity says 64%,so I wouldn't think that's too high too prevent fluffing. Do I leave him in there for another 36 hours, 48 hours since hatch, and then move him to the brooder pen?

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