Tornadoes touch down in Wisconsin!!


12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
Ladysmith, WI
Wow, what month is it???? My son and my Mom called me this afternoon from Kenosha (in the southern part of the state-I am in the north) to tell me they just had a tornado touch down!! I thought it was some kind of joke. The normal January temperature for Wisconsin is somewhere around 15-20 degrees. Their temps for the past couple days were between 60-65, a new record. A tornado, in Wisconsin, in January???? Unheard of. I believe it's the first ever. Luckily, it missed my family members, but still a scary thing! Turns out that not 1, but 2 tornadoes hit close to them. We were just discussing how eerily strange the weather patterns have been the last year or so, and now this. DH says it's the beginning of "The Day After" if anyone's seen that movie. Does anyone else have any strange feelings about this freaky weather lately? I can't believe we are the only ones. It's actually kinda scary.......
I'm glad your family is ok!

Its hard for me to judge the weather here in Nebraska, we've not been here a full year - but we were warning of LOTS of snow and reallly cold, we've not had that yet - but I'm waiting..... !

The weather tonight said this stuff is supposed to cross the Mississippi river tomorrow afternoon and be here at my house about 4p or 5p tomorrow afternoon. It was 73 here today and tomorrow is supposed to be 69!!!!! I told dh that this wasn't good. Mississippi is known for January, February, and March tornados. I think the worst tornado on record was in January decades ago and killed a bunch of people because they were not expecting it either. ANd to top it all off, dh has to work evenings tomorrow and me and dd will be here by ourselves. I'll say an extra prayer for everybody tonight.
I am hearing of tornadoes all over today. I cannot stress enough, though, how unbelieveably impossible that it would happen in Wisconsin. It just doesn't, and never has. We dont get a lot of tornadoes...period, let alone in the dead of one of our northern winters! Hope everyone is safe and well tonight........
Make sure you have all your emergency gear at hand and at the ready, in case the unthinkable happens. You don't want to be caught unprepared!
Yep, flashlights, batteries, water, cell phones, chargers, wind up weather radio, dogs, cats, chickens, etc.....

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