toWhat to do?

Is there any chance she didn't have a hole to poo from? Did you ever see her go in the 4 days she was alive? You said her vent was clean.

I ask because we once had a newborn puppy and he didn't have the opening and could not move his bowels. we euthanized him - later on a vet said sometimes they only needed an opening made thru the layer of skin or in other cases the deformity was too severe to remedy even with surgery. I always wondered if we had taken to vet, if he could have been one of the lucky ones. He was a big ,husky newborn and I was just sick over it.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
I am sorry you lost your chick. There could be a thousand reasons for what caused you to lose your chick but one of the most common is not having the chicks warm enough. They need 100 degrees on their back the first few days and at least 95 degrees in the brooder area for the first week. Then five degree drop per week after that. To be the healthiest chick you can have it has to absorb the yoke it absorbed right before it hatched, that is their colostrums and it takes them having a heat source of 100 degrees they can get under and on there back. The chick cannot regulate their body temperature for the first three or four days. If you have them at 90 degrees that is, what their body temperature will be. Normal temperature for a chicken is 101 degrees. You may ask where I get this information. I made my living raising chickens. I was a poultry producer for 30 years, retired now. I have raised millions of chicks in those 30 years and I have made all the mistakes you can make. If I can help you not make them, it would please me very much. Good luck!

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