Tractor Supply chicks: Breeds?


6 Years
Feb 26, 2013
NW Georgia
I purchased 8 pullets from tractor supply and I was wondering if someone might know what breeds they are. I also suspect the first one might be a rooster, though it is a little too early to tell.

Three of these:

Two of these:

From TSC the reds are probably some sort of Production Red/ Rhode Island Red, agree the first one looks like a cockerel. The black one also looks like a cockerel, could be a Production Black, or Black Australorp (white feet /Jersey Giant (yellow feet) (what color are the bottoms of his feet). The last maybe a Partridge Plymouth Rock.
Yes, TSC doesn't have Rhode Island Reds as the hatcheries from whence the chicks come do not have them. Production reds are very, very common feed store/hatchery sourced "red" chicks.

The chicks will show themselves to be what they will be.

I do agree that a red comb and red wattles sprouting on any chick under 10 weeks of age is a very sure sign of a cockerel.
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From TSC the reds are probably some sort of Production Red/ Rhode Island Red, agree the first one looks like a cockerel. The black one also looks like a cockerel, could be a Production Black, or Black Australorp (white feet /Jersey Giant (yellow feet) (what color are the bottoms of his feet). The last maybe a Partridge Plymouth Rock.

I will definitely be checking feet later! I wouldn't mind a few Australorps. I thought that's what the last one was. I wished I'd gotten more of those.

Yes, TSC doesn't have Rhode Island Reds as the hatcheries from whence the chicks come do not have them. Production reds are very, very common feed store/hatchery sourced "red" chicks.

The chicks will show themselves to be what they will be.

I do agree that a red comb and red wattles sprouting on any chick under 10 weeks of age is a very sure sign of a cockerel.

I wonder if TSC has any sort of guarantee for their chicks/pullets? Particularly since ours is completely locked up and limited to employees only (no customers handling/misplacing). Not sure I will buy from them again. For me, I needed all pullets and I've never had this problem w/ Meyer's. It's just that $$$ shipping.
Probably not. Even hatcheries only offer only offer a 90% sexing guarantee and TSC doesn't sex them, so... My local TSC doesn't even offer to replace chicks if they die within a day or two of being bought.
What other breeds are there at tracktor supply

Ask the store manager.

TSC sources from a half dozen hatcheries throughout the country. Not every situation is universally the same, so answering your question is virtually impossible. Best thing to do is simply call or stop by your local TSC and ask.

And good luck having someone there who knows! If it's not on their pre-printed sign, most have no clue.
What other breeds are there at tracktor supply
My understanding is that it's going to depend store-to-store, and that a store could basically have anything that's on the order form (depending on what that manager chose to get).

As to the Production/Rhode Island Red issue - it could be either, they're both on the order form.

Probably not. Even hatcheries only offer only offer a 90% sexing guarantee and TSC doesn't sex them, so... My local TSC doesn't even offer to replace chicks if they die within a day or two of being bought.

They don't really offer 90% (most of them) - you get the difference after 90% - so for example if you order 100 pullets at $3 each, and straight run chicks are $2.50 - and you get 50 cockerels, you'll get nothing for the first 10 cockerels, and $.50 for the remaining 40 - for a total refund of $20 on your $300 order that they just completely hosed. If you get lucky they'll give you the cockerel price (say $1.75) and you'll get $50 back.

Point is - I'd be astounded if TSC gave you a refund.

Here's Ideal's policy:
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I called tsc once and asked to speak to whoever was handling the chick sales,and when I asked what breed of chicks they had they told me red ones and yellow ones.

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