Tractor supply or hatchery?

I order large fowl from hatcheries since I want to know what I'm getting and I like getting good stuff in the mail.
I'd get bantams from the feed store since the minimum order on them from hatcheries is usually 20 or so and I don't need 20 or so.
This year, I wanted bantams and the feed store packed up chick days in June and didn't get any chicks until September, and of course they were bantams. I almost bought some but I was busy with integration with two batches already. Maybe next year.
I suppose they get whatever history tells them will sell in a particular area. I have never seen bantams at our TSC.
Huh. Didn't know that. Hope I didn't just out my local TSC.
Quick search and I couldn't find the minimum in California, they may not have passed legislation concerning this. I saw in New Hampshire you are supposed to buy 12 minimum. In Arkansas the law reads

" AR Code § 5-62-121 (2012)
(a) It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to sell or offer for sale, barter, or give away living baby chicks, rabbits, or ducklings under two (2) months of age in any quantity less than six (6)."
Quick search and I couldn't find the minimum in California, they may not have passed legislation concerning this. I saw in New Hampshire you are supposed to buy 12 minimum. In Arkansas the law reads

" AR Code § 5-62-121 (2012)
(a) It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to sell or offer for sale, barter, or give away living baby chicks, rabbits, or ducklings under two (2) months of age in any quantity less than six (6)."
That'd be problematic for many folks.
As much as I'm against government regulations in my everyday life i think they were well meaning. My understanding is the purpose is to prevent people from buying 1 or 2 chicks/ducklings etc when Easter comes around or just on a whim. I'm sure it has prevented some neglect and saved some lives.
Agreed. Definitely prevents that single Easter chick crap.But state law should also be that any neighborhood allowing chickens cannot set the minimum as less than the minimum required by law. In NYS it’s 6, but some towns only allow 4. Makes it hard on people who are nervous about rehoming or can’t find someone to share a purchase with.
As much as I'm against government regulations in my everyday life i think they were well meaning. My understanding is the purpose is to prevent people from buying 1 or 2 chicks/ducklings etc when Easter comes around or just on a whim. I'm sure it has prevented some neglect and saved some lives.
Absolutely! Agree 100%. But those of us who are experienced and ethical owners who only want to add a couple of chicks to an existing flock are inconvenienced. I have never added more than 3 at once. There's ways to deal with it, but it'd be great if there were exceptions for us repeat customers, you know?

How does this affect hatchery shipments?

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