trapping tonight ( slightly graphic)

I trapped one, and then every morning the trap would be shut and the bait gone, but no coons. I set up a game camera to see what was going on. Three coons would run in the trap all at once and the door wouldnt close because it was hitting the last one in the back, when the lead got the sardines, they all backed out! I couldnt believe they figured it out!
I absolutely hate them darn racoons. I have lost all of my silkies to them darn things. I believe the ONLY GOOD Racoon is a DEAD ONE
Best wishes in catching the predators.There will always be more,but atleast you can get a break from them. I haven't caught a thing in days now.
We shot a bunch of them the other day, found them living in the attic of an old building we have on the property. A mother and 3 or 4 babies. And we got them BEFORE they started bugging the chickens
I am assuming that you are using a rectangle live game trap that trips the door when the animal steps on the flat trip plate located next to the bait.???

Two things you can do to increase the capture rate.

1- Attach the trap to a 2x12 that is 6 feet long so the board runs the length of the trap. Then place the trap within 12 inches of one of the ends of the board with the entrance facing to the middle or the longest section. Now, you will need some 3.5 inch screws and a power screw driver. Take the long end of the board and raise it up and attach it to the side of a building or coop or tree.... whatever you have. You want to get the board past a 45 degree angle from the ground and 90 degrees from the building wall. Screw it down so it is solid against the structure making sure the entrance is facing up. This increases the difficulty for the animal to retreat once committed to the trap.

2- Attach the trap as before only to a shorter length so that only 8 inches pass the entrance of the trap and it is even with the trap on the other end. Now take the same size of wood (2x12) and cut this to a length of 12 inches. Place this piece vertically on the end of the board attached to the trap at the entrance end (The 8 inches that is sticking out) You will need to screw this on with at least 4 2.5 inch screws. This makes the animal enter from the gap of those 8 inches on the either side.

If you have a chance to due some research look up snare traps. These are very effective but tend to catch cats. Not necessarily a bad thing but..........

This has helped me. I hope you find it useful.
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