Traveling Pet Chicken

Wow, you all are awesome! Thank you for your input. MY thought was if I raised chicks from eggs they would imprint on me, then they could travel with me & we'd be a little flock goin' down the road! It wouldn't be constant travel. I thought the Bantams or Silkies might be the better choice. And I agree it would be tricky to deal w/the poop & giving them plenty of foraging time. I kinda like the idea of giving them the run of the motorhome!! And I am just kooky enough to try this, I've been wanting chickens & a milk cow & a pigmy goat, but my gypsy ways are calling to me! I'm just trying to figure a way to have both dreams together!
Have farm will travel. We are converting part of an old (4) horse trailer into a traveling coop with a portable run. The chickens will have an inside yard to move around in even while we are driving, the hard sides of a horse trailer and the ability to lock it up at night would be a safe hopefully wild animal proof coop. We are purchasing some land in another state that we will be traveling there for a summers and I don't want to have a flock sitter at my house for 3 months. This also gives us a place to store their feed and dog food and any extras we will need while away. I have such a curious bunch of chickens I can't do anything in my yard or even their coop or run without a full inspection by the whole bunch. This summer will be our test run and next year we are adding goats to the mix.
Are there any updates on this topic? I'm in same boat (er, soon to be trailer?), only I already have a flock. I've like to keep basic breeding stock, plus by turkey hen who's imprinted on me and loves me to bits. I'm thining of creative ways to travel with them, and possibly a few pygmy goats.
Hi, I have two cochins that are very tame. My daughter was in ffa in high school and they raised them from egg to chick and then gave them to the kids in the class. My cochins are a small breed. although they are not the smallest I have seen . They are also tempermental and dont always lay eggs . My chickens jump up on my lap and will hide in the elbow of my arm and likes its crown rubbed. I only have hens. they greet me in the morning and will follow me around the back yard when i am gardening waiting for bugs and worms. I know they know who I am because they stop laying when I am away. You could train two chickens if you started from chicks.. Like the other lady said they sell diapers and I also saw a women on tv who gave hers a bath. So I quess it depends on the chicken. Hers was a silkie. So good luck if you decide to try.

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