Tre3hugger's Rabbit Thread

Keep trying. Some say you can hold the doe in position, but my best buck wanted free chase or nothing. Do you have a round pen, like a dog x pen? Sometimes they need neutral territory and round means she can't hide in the corner. It might take a couple days for them to settle into their surroundings too.
I will try again tomorrow. I will also start adding ACV to their water tomorrow, I have been reading that can put them in the mood. If tomorrow doesn't work I will likely switch their cages for the night and try again! I would have been shocked/thrilled if it went right the first time. I am far from discouraged!

I don't have a dog pen but I do have a disused greenhouse...I will try that if all else is failing. I would prefer not to have to take them that far for each breeding if they get used to it.
I will try again tomorrow. I will also start adding ACV to their water tomorrow, I have been reading that can put them in the mood. If tomorrow doesn't work I will likely switch their cages for the night and try again! I would have been shocked/thrilled if it went right the first time. I am far from discouraged!

I don't have a dog pen but I do have a disused greenhouse...I will try that if all else is failing. I would prefer not to have to take them that far for each breeding if they get used to it.
Does can be stubborn. There's a reason people recommend bucks over does when it comes to pet rabbits.

I can't say yes or no on the ACV for breeding, but I did mix a little into their water once a week. They have weird/sensitive guts, and it seems to help with that.

I wouldn't bother with transport for breeding. Either you will bleed to death when a spooked rabbit decides it doesnt want to get carried across the yard, or they will get stressed about being in a carrier and not cooperate. By they, I mean the does. Bucks are always up for a good time.

If it doesn't look like the doe will neuter your buck, leave them together for awhile. Just don't walk away. Grab a 6 pack and wait for the show.

I am so jealous. I miss raising rabbits. Soon ... very soon...
Does can be stubborn. There's a reason people recommend bucks over does when it comes to pet rabbits.

I can't say yes or no on the ACV for breeding, but I did mix a little into their water once a week. They have weird/sensitive guts, and it seems to help with that.

I wouldn't bother with transport for breeding. Either you will bleed to death when a spooked rabbit decides it doesnt want to get carried across the yard, or they will get stressed about being in a carrier and not cooperate. By they, I mean the does. Bucks are always up for a good time.

If it doesn't look like the doe will neuter your buck, leave them together for awhile. Just don't walk away. Grab a 6 pack and wait for the show.

I am so jealous. I miss raising rabbits. Soon ... very soon...
Yup, tomorrow is another day! I will be boiling sap near the bunny barn so will actually have hours to just observe them.

Question: At what point is the buck just too tired to do it and it is time to rest and try again later? Or should I just leave them together as long as they are not hurting each other and I have time to watch?
Yup, tomorrow is another day! I will be boiling sap near the bunny barn so will actually have hours to just observe them.

Question: At what point is the buck just too tired to do it and it is time to rest and try again later? Or should I just leave them together as long as they are not hurting each other and I have time to watch?
As long as they're not hurting each other, they are fine. Sometimes the buck will get all snuggly and lovely if the initial let's git 'er done doesn't work. They can turn on the charm when they want to. Once they are all relaxed and chilling out together, you can gently try to get them to move. Once she moves, he should be wanting to try again, and chances are, she will let him.
As long as they're not hurting each other, they are fine. Sometimes the buck will get all snuggly and lovely if the initial let's git 'er done doesn't work. They can turn on the charm when they want to. Once they are all relaxed and chilling out together, you can gently try to get them to move. Once she moves, he should be wanting to try again, and chances are, she will let him.
Truly appreciate you sharing your experience. :highfive: I will let you know how it goes!
My older buck gets soo very frentic over the does that I only allow him 5 min with one if shes being difficult. He's only 4, but I am seriously worried he'll have a heart attack one of these days.
Try at different times of the day as well. A few of my does will only breed in the AM, one prefers evening, and one stubborn lady requires to be table bred.

Standard Satins, and meat mutts.
No bunny sex today. :( Added ACV to the water, couldn't hurt. They seemed least interested after the cage swap, so I will just keep at it. Maybe the doe is just waiting for a few more hours of sunlight a day? Oh well. I will try again tomorrow.

Anytime I start to feel frustrated I tihnk to myself, "Imagine how the buck must feel!"

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