Tre3hugger's Rabbit Thread

No bunny sex today. :( Added ACV to the water, couldn't hurt. They seemed least interested after the cage swap, so I will just keep at it. Maybe the doe is just waiting for a few more hours of sunlight a day? Oh well. I will try again tomorrow.

Anytime I start to feel frustrated I tihnk to myself, "Imagine how the buck must feel!"
Like the teenage boy when prom night didn't turn out how he hoped.

If you get a chance, post a video of their behavior when they are in the cage together. You can try keeping them in cages next to each other if they aren't already. Just make sure they aren't touching. I don't know how, but they can actually breed through the wire. Even the 1/2×1 inch wire.
Like the teenage boy when prom night didn't turn out how he hoped.

If you get a chance, post a video of their behavior when they are in the cage together. You can try keeping them in cages next to each other if they aren't already. Just make sure they aren't touching. I don't know how, but they can actually breed through the wire. Even the 1/2×1 inch wire.
Ill get some video tomorrow for sure. The cages are about 3 feet from each other. The only closer option they'd be touching. I just gave them both a thorough inspection. They both seem to be in fine shape. The does vulva are not overly engorged but certainly not white and dry. My scale should be here in the mail tomorrow so I will be able to rule that assuming their weights are correct. The buck was very snuggly. I held him on my lap for like 15 mins and he just hung out. Seemed to enjoy the body rubs.
I use a fold up dog exercise pen when breeding. It allows me to intervene easier if necessary. And I can shape it into a triangle so the buck has a chance to corner a doe if need be. But you haven't had them a week yet, give them time. Also do you know any of the does history? Age, last litter? If she is potentially already bred?
I use a fold up dog exercise pen when breeding. It allows me to intervene easier if necessary. And I can shape it into a triangle so the buck has a chance to corner a doe if need be. But you haven't had them a week yet, give them time. Also do you know any of the does history? Age, last litter? If she is potentially already bred?
I have her pedigree. She will be a year old in April. Previous owner said she has never bred. I am not stressing it, I will just keep trying everyday until something happens.

I am thinking I will get one of those pens even if they breed in the cage. This way they can hang in there if I want to clean cages or jsut spend some time with them.
I've had issues with waiting too long and the doe getting too much internal fat to breed even at 9 months, but just be persistant and give it time. If no luck in a month maybe put her on hay only for a few weeks, then try again.
I've had issues with waiting too long and the doe getting too much internal fat to breed even at 9 months, but just be persistant and give it time. If no luck in a month maybe put her on hay only for a few weeks, then try again.
My hanging scale should be here tomorrow, so I will able to see if she is in fact target weight. Tomorrow I will try again bright and early!!

I appreciate your insght.

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