Treat suggestions to encourage good behavior


9 Years
Apr 20, 2010
Larkspur, CO
My 3 month old pullets usually run over when I call them and I want to encourage this behavior. They sometimes check to see why I am making noise, but don't bother to come to me or follow me. I figure that giving treats when I call will help. Any suggestions of treats that they will love, but are also good for them?
mine are nuts over bread- i break off little pieces of wheat bread and roll it into little balls as I say "chick chick chick" they come when called- every time.
The treat can be any thing they like.. From fish to pasta to worms or bugs. For me it is all about the bucket. I just tap the side of the white feed pail to get their attention and they come running from far and wide. (birds free range) I am in the process of teaching the 5 week old chicks that are starting to free range how to come when I tap the bucket.. The young ones get side tracked easily..

So it will take some time.
"All about the bucket," is the absolute truth. I use the same bowl every time and as soon as they see it they know to race me to the run. It's a good tool for getting them back in the enclosure if I have to rather than waiting for them to go in at night. Sometimes they just have to be when a friend shows up with their little kids...and I just pull out the bucket and whatever leftovers are in the fridge that could go. For nutrition value go with greens or sunflowers or meats, for entertainment go with spaghetti.
I don't know why I did not think about using the same container. I use a specific bowl tap to call the cats in and a treat bag rustle gets the attention of my rats.

I can't wait to try the noodles with them! Thanks for the suggestions.

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