Treatment for Coccidiosis?

bringing in new chickens can be a problem.

every flock has it's own strains of diseases, such as cocci and respiratory illness, etc..
they have built an immunity to these strains.
when exposed to chickens from a different flock..they are also exposed to different strains.

Corid (amprolium)
Amprol (amprolium)

are a few choices to treat cocci.
cocci should be treated ASAP.
I did find Corrid here & gave it to her. It's my cat's medicine.

You can't eat the eggs while they are being treated for Cocci can you?
So do I treat my whole flock or just the birds that show signs. Also, will my hens eggs still be okay to eat?
Ok, I just found out the general rule for refraining from eating hen's eggs.

General rule is:

Don't eat eggs until (at least) 7 days after you have stopped all meds.

Tis better to disgard safely than omit treating the illness & losing all the flock.
re- Sulmet:
I'm not sure 7 days is a long enough with drawl for eating the eggs. You may want to call the company. I think the bottle says not to give it to egg laying birds.
Good luck - if you call, please let us know what they say
I'm using Amprolium/Corid for our hens. I guess the meds make a difference. ???

Thanks Luv my Chickens!
I suspect our 3-6 week chicks are dieing of coccidosis. Anyone know about Vitamin A and Vitamin K in feed as a natural method?

I found this when researching treatments; Treatment of Coccidosis: There are a number of coccidostats available, however these should be used precisely. These include Toltrazuril, Sulphonamides, Amprolium. Vitamins Vitamin A and Vitamin K in feed, or water as coccidosis cannot be treated by hygiene alone.

Vitamin A is found in dark green and yellow vegetables and yellow fruits.
* broccoli * spinach * turnip greens * carrots * squash * sweet potatoes * pumpkin * cantaloupe * apricots * liver * milk * butter * cheese * eggs

Vitamin K Sources
* spinach * lettuce * kale * cabbage * cauliflower * wheat bran * organ meats * cereals * some fruits * meats * dairy products * eggs

I was thinking about maybe feeding the chicks spinach from the garden... Any one try this?

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