Treats for Ducks?

May i have permission to copy the list for treats and non treats on the first post?

I need it for my new ducks
New treat for my ducks...dandelions

I noticed my adult ducks had eaten the ones in the back yard down to nubs, but I still had some in the front yard due to the neighbor's refusal to care for her lawn
. I pulled off the leaves and some unopened flower buds and threw them along with the "teenager" ducks in to the pond. The dandelion parts were gone in seconds!
Go ahead and copy it, spread it around! I collected all those treat ideas from random places online. The more poeple know about what to feed their ducks the better!
mine will hunt out all the weeds in the yard. their favorites are dandelions and crab grass. my neighbor has a ton of crab grass and we laughed and were like "call the ducks over! its their favorite!!" lol.

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