TSC bin mixup


6 Years
Jul 19, 2015
North Central Florida
I picked 4 chicks from the EE bin, from a distance because of their policies. Got home and went to put them in the brooder and this one has yellow orange legs and no muffs. I figured some poor a white Leghorn back in the wrong bin, since they had those there as well. Well, I don't think it's feathering out like a leghorn. Any guesses? I know it's still early.



So far it looks like it will be very pretty, whatever it is.
EE's usually have "puffy" cheeks. Even as chicks they are pretty noticeable... My best guess is that you're right and that it was indeed a leghorn that was placed in the wrong pen.
EE's usually have "puffy" cheeks. Even as chicks they are pretty noticeable... My best guess is that you're right and that it was indeed a leghorn that was placed in the wrong pen. 

Oh I know it's not EE. I don't think it's Leghorn either though because it's not feathering in white. I know it doesn't show right but it's almost like porcelain (creamy orange and very light lavender).
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doesn't look like a Cornish x yet. Does it hog the feeder? Cornish x are meat birds and literally eat themselves too death and are usually processed around 8-10 weeks of age before their legs/organs give out.
Tetratint? Amberlink? I think the legs are too thin for cornish.

ETA: After closer inspection of the feathers, I think it IS an EE. Just an unusual one. There is one pic that picks up the color as a very light splash or maybe porcelain and I really don't know what else it could be. None of the hybrid layers are colored like that and definitely not a cornish. My very light EE had bright yellow legs with just a hint of tint when I got her. Her legs are currently lime green.
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They did have Cornish there but it doesn't look like they did. They were already nearly twice the size of this one. I have three same age Amberlinks too and it doesn't look like them either.

I though maybe it could be an odd EE but there are no signs of muffs, I'm pretty sure, though I could get the odd muffless. With my other weird EE the legs started turning green by about three weeks.

In any case its very pretty so far!
There are muffless EEs. I happen to have one
There's really no telling until she lays an egg as the only real measure is possession of the blue shell gene.

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