TSC Breeds

No one is blaming the employee, i actually feel bad for them.  The supplier really dropped the ball and if they are new like the employee said this doesn't reflect well on them being a supplier next year.  I also do think TSC dropped the ball here too because this is one of their biggest events of the year and if you are bringing on new suppliers you need to be on top of everything.  [COLOR=FF0000]Of course not everything goes as planned, I just needed to vent a little bit.[/COLOR]

This I did not know, thanks I wanted to order from mychicken or ideal, but the shipping was crazy and couldn't justify it.

My first flock came from ideal. Good deal for people starting out. If it's still the same there isn't a shipping fee if you order over $25.
our local TSC told me basically the same thing, unless they're specifically marked from the hatchery, they have no way of knowing. She did tell me that "MOST LIKELY" they would be Leghorns or Jersey Giants, but even that was just a guess.

a few years back our first experience buying pullets from TSC, out of 8 we had 4 leghorns and 4 that were mixed, looked like they had some austrolorp in them mixed with jersey giants, they got big quick! but they all were excellent laying hens. we rarely missed getting 4 white eggs a day once the leghorns started laying
Blame the hatcheries, not TSC. Just like if you ordered 100 chicks, 4 breeds of 25 each. You might EXPECT to get four boxes or one box with four compartments; each just one breed in each. But chances are, they'd all be jumbled up together without any way to tell which are which. Oh well.
Buying chicks from a feed/hardware/farm supply store is an experience in instant gratification in my opinion. If you custom order from the TSC store near me they simply take your order form and money and send it to the hatchery they have a contract with. That hatchery then ships the birds direct to you just as if you had placed an online order yourself. So, why not do that. Deal direct with a reputable hachery. Order the specific breeds and genders you want. True you usually have to order more that the six chick minimum but when chicken math kicks in you are going to do that anyway.
My tsc had a mixed pullets bin with two breeds in it. Then a straight run something java. Then they had a Cornish x bin (straight run) so they knew the breeds of everything except the pullets which I'm 90% sure we're barred rocks and lefhorns. Now they have a straight run mixed breed bantam bin. I asked about their return policy and he said no returns...
Our closest atwood store had turkeys and guineas as well as mixed pullets and and straight run mixed breed bantams. I believe the turkeys were labeled with bourbons or bbb I wasn'tin the market for turkeys sp I didn't look too close

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