TSC Mystery Chicks? Told Speckled Sussex?


8 Years
Apr 3, 2011
South Carolina
These I picked up today. The person this morning told me they were going to be a breed that becomes solid black. I looked at the chick on the chart and it wasn't even anything like them. She had no idea what she was talking about. Went back later and ended up getting some and the worker said she thought they were Speckled Sussex. But I just am not 100% sold on her words. For one the images I've seen on the internet show Sussex chicks with pink legs and these all have greenish blue/gray legs. They were in a tub with some sort of chicks that become some sort of gray adult, but no sign saying what they were. *shrug*



Bird 1



Bird 2



Bird 3



Bird 4



Bird 5



Bird 6
I saw your photos and they were cute. The chicks do look rather alike. However, I noticed the sussex does have pink feet. All of mine have the gray looking ones and I saw your ameracauna has gray ones. So I have Easter Eggers I suppose. Cool beans if I do.
You got a bunch of Easter Eggers, Lucky!! Next year I will add 2 of those to my flock. This year I added 2 speckled sussex. Trying to take it easy on my husband. Started with 4 last year, +2 this year.
SS do look similar to EE, but mine have brown eye masks, and their feathers look similar, but have pale tan tips. They also have a couple bright white feathers on their wings which you can only see when they are spread.
And yes, pink legs.

Good luck with your lovely bunch! You should get some really pretty eggs in 5+ months or so.
I got EE's, Partridge Rocks, and Speckled Sussex, all at the same time. I couldn't tell them apart for about three weeks. The EE's grew much faster than the rest, then the Speckled Sussex got white tips on her feathers. Now I finally know. I hate waiting!

McMurray has some great youtube videos that show the different breeds as chicks. It helped with some of them.

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