TSC said these are meat birds but

I never thought of doing that. I'm pretty sure all the chicks they had there were from Ideal. I had asked about some of the other chicks they had and she tried to look it up on an order form they had from Ideal. I'll email them in a little while and when I get an answer I'll let you know.

Yeah! that would be great.. because nobody really seems to know what mine are either.. I just thought they might be the "new" amber sex links..
We have found that u can never really trust the TSC'S, well around here at least. i hope you got what you really wanted though
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They are Delewares. Ideal emailed me a little while ago and said that when they are a day old they kinda look like Cornish and could easily be confused. The stupid part is that when I bought them for TSC they already were getting their barring. Stupid TSC screwed up. The employees need to go through a training or something.
they look just like my delawares that I hatched out a little while back. That is just my opinion. there is a post on here somewhere where seriousbill has a pic of a delaware cockerel at about that age.
Next time look for all yellow chicks if you want cornish X. They look like perfect easter chicks - fuzzy yellow and when their feathers come in they are all white. It's hard to tell them apart though from other all white chickens like leghorns or production whites until they get a week or so on them and you can see how they are growing compared to other non-cornishX chicks.

I got about 20 out of the pullet assortment at TSC this spring. I only got 1 rooster out of the bunch, so not too bad but I think one of the ones I picked up hoping for some sort of production white or leghorn is a CornishX. It's like a mutant chicken beside the others that I'm pretty sure are production whites/leghorn - about 2x the size with legs like tree trunks...
The one I brought in tonight, I think is a girl. She is the swetest little thing ever. The other girls haven't gotten to used to her yet. Only one seems to still jave a problem with her. I think all the rest except maybe 1 are boys.

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