TULSA area Cluckers

Wow, lucky you! That would be my guess. Every time we've bought laying hens they may lay and egg or two the first few days and then always stop for at least a week.

I have personally never slaughtered anything until our first rooster last month, we knew nothing about what we were doing (besides Lonny's experience with deer hunting and fishing), and it honestly wasn't too bad. It was easy to see in retrospect what to do differently to make things move more quickly next time (number one- a sharper knife!). It also taught us that a BIG bird gets REAL small once you get all the feathers and innards out of the way! We had 4 black copper marans (5 months old) to process but stopped after one because it was so small, I think we only got maybe a pound of meat off of it? After talking with others we learned that BCM, as they are a large dual purpose bird, take longer than usual to "finish" and that a super hot summer like we had makes for low body weights. However our other 3 are getting frisky with Fat Albert's girls, so something is going to have to change sooner or later, whether we pen them by themselves in a bachelor pen or go ahead and process them.
Good morning everyone!
Have been so busy lately I haven't been able to keep up on the thread as much as I would like. I am looking for just a few pullets, maybe 2 or 3 of each, cream legbar and any really dark egg laying marans. I realize its not the best time of the year to be looking but if anyone is looking to part with some of these, I am definitely interested.
Reagor I talked to my friend last week, they got their LGD pup through craigslist and she doesn't have their contact info anymore. I also follow a few northeast Oklahoma poultry and livestock buy/sell/trade pages on facebook and I see them there occasionally, usually puppies but sometimes 6 mons-2 years. Don't know if you do facebook, if you do I can post links to those pages so you can keep an eye out there.
Thanks, but I found a little guard dog. He is small, but I bet he will give anything in our area a run for its money. Got to love terriers.

Man, I went to a wedding on Friday, had a fun day yesterday, and now today I'm going 90mph trying to get anything done. I don't think I'm ever going to waste 2 days without doing housework ever again. This is awful!
Did you pen your males up in a small cage a few weeks before you processed them? I hear that helps, and so does using different feed.
Glad you found a "guard dog."
Sometimes all you need is something whose bark is worse than it's bite! Are you going to keep your chickens penned now or try to train him to be poultry-friendly?

Well we managed to sell two of the 3 remaining roosters for $5 each yesterday, not too bad I guess, we paid $5 for one as a chick and $8 for the other as a cockerel and then fed them all summer LOL! So just one left, he is penned by himself now so he doesn't cause trouble with the big rooster. I will check into different feed, I don't know what the better options are there. But he has filled out a lot since the last attempt, so I think we will be processing him (and a few belonging to a friend) on Saturday. That means out of all the FBCM chicks we bought and raised this spring we ended up with one breeding pair. That's so frustrating!
I'm sorry to hear about that. I know that you got some FBCMs that ended up being a motley crew, I hope they were at least tasty to the dog! Haha.

Well, I have to say, these red sex links are freaking laying machines! 4-3 eggs a day now for a week out of 4 pullets!! No added light, and nothing special. I think I might just have found the only birds for my coop. I could not be happier with these gals. If you have never had any, I highly recommend them.
There is one thing that's weird about them, though. They go through more water than the 8 hens I had before. They don't go through food as fast, but drink like they've been in a hotbox for weeks. Kinda strange.
My sex links just started laying and they are consistent, every day and my Barred Rock lays daily. I've also noticed that they are nicer now that they are laying. My Spangled Hamburg stopped laying completely as did my Sicilian Buttercup. I do have a light in the coop so they have a few more hours of light. The rest of my girls lay about every other day.

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