TULSA area Cluckers

Up too early... hope we get a little of that promised rain in the forecast. Seem we lie under a drought dome. It rains all around us, smell like rain and we can even see rain falling...elsewhere. Oh, well.
Looking forward to getting my little EEs from lonnyandrinda in a couple of weeks. 'm also getting a swedish flower roo in a couple of weeks as companion to my 3 pretty birds that i got at NEOCS.
Hope everyone has a great day.
Well, it came down pretty hard at my work, but I think it missed my house. It still looks dry as a bone here. Did you guys get any relief?
LOL Good evening, spent the day running around like a chicken with my head cut off...
Okay that was a bad joke...

Had to go borrow an emergency incubator from a friend, ours is occupied until March 5th with Ameraucana and Creme Legbar eggs but our Isbar eggs arrived in the mail yesterday!
Wow they are gorgeous eggs! I took a picture but it just doesn't do them justice... very large mint green eggs, many speckled. Got them from BYCer The Sherriff, she seems to be THE go-to person for Isbar eggs in the US. I'm impressed that she sent them Tuesday afternoon from California and they arrived Thursday morning. Also, they were packed like Fort Knox, and we ordered 14 but she sent 24 (!!!!!) ...

Trip to the breadstore, trip to Grandma's house so hubby could sleep (he works nights), and we are home at last! Now to get that bator running so we can start them tomorrow!
Nothing like getting all the chores done by 8:30 on a Saturday! Now I just need to come up with a plan for what to do with the rest of the day.
Nothing like getting all the chores done by 8:30 on a Saturday! Now I just need to come up with a plan for what to do with the rest of the day.
Ha Ha. Nap, read, lemonade. Rats, forgot i have to go to the grocery store. Oh well, that's most of my plan. Too hot for anything else today. Got a thermometer to put under the back deck. I'll be checking it later. My chickens spend most of their day under there. It stays a little damp between the outdoor faucet drip and the a/c condensation drip.
Wow, I don't check this forum for a few days and BAM! When I left the mall Thursday it was raining pretty good, got 2 miles from my house and it stopped, never made it out this way. Bummer! I'm tired of having $300 water bills. Rinda, I added you on FB, CathieSue I'll look for you next.

My chickens wouldn't even come out of their run this morning, I think they've figured out that they have shade and a fan so why bother. We are going to the lake for the weekend, fortunately my oldest is staying home to keep an eye on all the pets and keep them cool. It's going to be so dang hot today!!

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