TULSA area Cluckers

Thanks! The closing went seamless today! Then we went out to the house tonight to look around better (we had a family member brush hog the back lot this morning) and holy toledo something happened to the living room ceiling! I think the roofers who were out replacing the roof on Saturday dropped something through the roof while working and it knocked one of the sheets of drywall out of place in the ceiling. Yikes! The realtor is contacting the roofers we'll see what they say tomorrow. It's bad enough I'm guessing to make it look "normal" we will have to redo the drywall on most of the ceiling in that room.
Sorry Hope you can get it repaired takes the fun out of your new place for something like that to happen.
Roofers came out yesterday to look at the ceiling, they are coming Friday to repair it- yay! Thanks. Moving is stressful enough without extra repairs....
Nearly a week since the last post which was mine. What was the outcome of the roof?? How about all this lovely rain and did anyone notice the leaves seem to have changed overnight? I would like to comment on all the death losses alot of us seem to be having. We have determed that incubator sanitation. has been our problem, Super clean with strong disinfectate. Let air out preferable in the sun for a day or two. Come on Cluckers I like to visit with my neighbors.
The seller finally agreed to replace the roof, and the roofers came last week and repaired the damaged LR ceiling- turned out there were TWO CRACKED CEILING JOISTS that failed from the roofers walking on the roof. So glad it happened because of them and not in 6 months! There was pink fluffy insulation everywhere, but with no furniture in the house yet they were able to clean it up quickly! We got the propane tank filled this week and the leak in the tank fixed (sort of) today, so we move in this weekend! So excited to be in- I've unpacked most of the kitchen already and although I wasn't sure I would love it as much as my current huge kitchen I think I do! SO MUCH TO DO though to still be done moving! I think cross-town moves are worse than cross-country moves!

Yes I sanitize my incubator and all egg trays between batches with Oxine, and the styrofoam bator I always let sit in the sun for a day afterwards.

Got word that my Langshan stock that I ordered from a breeder will be ready to ship next week- woohoo! Blues and blacks. A POL quad to start up with breeding in the spring. Can't wait to see them!
There is a big one down in Coweta, details on the Oklahoma auction thread, and a swap once a month in Pryor. You can find more details on the Pryor swap on facebook, https://www.facebook.com/groups/401652983250871/

One warning- Rogers County is NOT chicken friendly. This is why I am moving to Coweta, we close on our new house on Monday. As long as there are no complaints, you will be fine. If a neighbor complains to the city or county, be prepared for a nasty letter from the zoning folks telling you poultry is illegal on residentially zoned lots and threatening to send animal control to seize your chickens if you don't comply. That's my experience. East and north of Claremore you are fine, except down in Inola. I was just flabbergasted to learn this. Even the city of Tulsa allows 5 or 6 hens. So be sure you are on good terms with your neighbors, especially if you plan to have a rooster.

I have been in Rogers County for 1.5 years and have never had an issue. I am also considered rural though. While I only have 5 acres I am surrounded by horses, donkeys, cows, and fields that get fertilized once a year with chicken manure. Pretty sure I am safe.
Yes and no. We are in Rogers county at the bottom left corner of the map, 145th and Pine St. There are no restrictions in our neighorhood, it is an older neighborhood that is Tulsa addresses but Catoosa schools. If you call the Roger's County Planning Commission and ask them the zoning laws on poultry, they will tell you poultry is illegal on residential lots in the "Jurisdiction" area of the map. I even asked if they allowed hens only and they said NO- NO POULTRY. Can you try it? Absolutely. If you just have a few hens and maybe a rooster or two, and don't get any neighbor complaints, you probably won't have any problems. Others in our neighborhood have chickens, and there are even other roosters that we can hear. But WE were the ones that got complained about. We were told we had 3 months to remove the poultry from our property and if there were any complaints after that 3 month time they could potentially send animal control to seize our chickens. Literally. We had about 30 chickens total at the time, including 5 roosters.

It is true that city laws trump county laws when it comes to animal zoning, so yes the city of Claremore does allow hens.

Anyway we decided we wanted more room and to look for a new house. BUT as we want to have several breeds and run 5-10 roosters a repeat of this scenario was not a risk we wanted to take, so we chose not to look in most of Rogers County. Any of the houses we liked that were outside the jurisdiction line were too much of a commute for my husband. So we chose to buy in Wagoner County instead. This place will be great for us, I don't feel "run out" of Rogers County or anything like that I just don't want people to assume they won't have problems like we did and then have to rehome their chickens due to neighbors.

ETA: they did tell us we could apply for an exception to the zoning law. But based on my research the chances of being granted an exception are low, AND they can be revoked at any time for no reason at all. We also would have probably had to make a promise to a certain number of roosters and/or chickens to get that exception. As we were hoping to find a place with more land anyway, it was not a fight that we felt worth fighting. Our time was better spent looking for a new house that had the land and zoning we wanted.
Interesting. Glad you found a place with more land and the zoning you wanted.

Nearly a week since the last post which was mine. What was the outcome of the roof?? How about all this lovely rain and did anyone notice the leaves seem to have changed overnight? I would like to comment on all the death losses alot of us seem to be having. We have determed that incubator sanitation. has been our problem, Super clean with strong disinfectate. Let air out preferable in the sun for a day or two. Come on Cluckers I like to visit with my neighbors.
Mine get bleached and sun dried when possible. I only use stryos though. Someday I would love to have a sportsman.
Hey does anyone need moving/storage boxes? Most came from Southcrest hospital as my MIL worked in receiving until about a month ago so they are heavy duty boxes. Hate to send them out in the trash. All sizes, free. Pass the word if you know anyone who wants some, I'll be listing them on Craigslist in the next few days.
Hey guys newbie here. I live in South Tulsa. Looking for people I can come visit and see your chickens and learn all that I can. Also looking for anyone selling black copper Marans or barred Plymouth rocks or suggested breeds that are both tame and tolerant of Oklahoma's heat and cold extremes. 3 of my first 8 hatchery chicks were DOA. Looking forward to learning from you all.
You are welcome to visit us once we finish settling in, we just moved from Catoosa down to Coweta. I will have black coppers in the spring as well as about 8 other breeds if all goes as planned. Sorry to hear about your hatchery losses, hope you contacted them for replacement.
Thanks Rinda. I did contact them. I took a refund instead and would rather buy locally. Looking forward to meeting you!

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