TULSA area Cluckers

Sorry you had to deal with losing birds. Hope you find what you are looking for. Feel free to ask questions here.
Hey all, anyone anywhere near Tulsa have any of the following I might be able to come look at, or maybe even acquire?

Barred Rocks, any Marans, Australorps, Dominique's, Sussex, Dorkings?

Thanks and looking forward to meeting lots of you!

Hey all, anyone anywhere near Tulsa have any of the following I might be able to come look at, or maybe even acquire?

Barred Rocks, any Marans, Australorps, Dominique's, Sussex, Dorkings?

Thanks and looking forward to meeting lots of you!

I think poco pollo has at least some of those, dorkings and a barred something breed, and she is trying to downsize. I don't know how often she posts on the Tulsa thread but she is usually on the Okie thread on the weekends, and you could pm her. She is in the Haskell area.
I think poco pollo has at least some of those, dorkings and a barred something breed, and she is trying to downsize.  I don't know how often she posts on the Tulsa thread but she is usually on the Okie thread on the weekends, and you could pm her.  She is in the Haskell area.

I know she has a domininque for sale.
So I have been dealing with some issues with my backyard flock. All of my hens quit laying for over a month. Not a single egg. I had 3 that were already laying that quit and 2 that were suppose to start laying that never started and still haven't. My australorp and Buff Orpington, I know for sure lay eggs. I've had them sincethey were 3 weeks old and they laid every day for 2 months before they stopped. I added 2 more from Ronda day old chicks, Maran and a Cream Legbar, and the Maran ended up being a roo that I sold at a swap and got another that ended up being a roo as well and I had to get rid of him too but waited till he started crowing because he was just so pretty. I traded him with a black americauna that is 6 months old now but carried an upper respiratory illness with her which is why I believe my chickens quit laying. I also got a Polish hen, from Cherokee birds, that is suppose to be a year old but after having her for 3 months I have yet to see a single egg from her.She did go through a molt but she seems to be done now and still nothing.

For some reason they were not comfortable in the chicken tractor that my husband made for them so I bought a coop from my pet chicken that I put together myself. After a week of using it I got my first egg in over a month if not 2 months. I have 5 hens that should be laying and I have them on organic feed and I have gotten 1 egg in almost 2 months! That was an expensive egg.

I treated them for the infection and I don't hear any more sneezing or wheezing. But my Buff is the only one that has laid an egg and the only one that squats when I come close. The Australorp use to but doesn't any more.

Any of you have this happen?
Oh Christmas lights! I can't wait! I am going to decorate my coop in lights! I know that isn't what you are talking about in the last post but when you said Christmas lights I instantly thought that I can't wait to decorate my coop!!!! I think I need to find a pretty wreath for the side. Then I think I want to decorate and make an edible one for the inside for my girls and guy. It may last only a day but it would be pretty... Anyone else decorate their coop/tractor for Christmas?
Wow thanks for following through and reading my whole chicken history. When I read it again after I posted it I realized how it went on and on. I checked my coop again and found another egg from my Buff. She is such a sweet girl. But I might try getting some Christmas lights on a timer. How much light should I add? I mean when would you turn the lights on and then turn them off?
I would start with about 2 hours before sun rise. When I add light I like to add in the morning so their "bedtime" stays normal. Don't expect eggs the next day as it will take a bit especially for new layers. Good luck and hopefully this is all that is going on with your birds.

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