TULSA area Cluckers

Mine love a good mud puddle. They ignored the baby pool filled with nice clean water. When i dumped it out they ran over and were walking around and making bird prints. Reagor maybe you should make them a puddle. They will be sticky and muddy!
Got three eggs today! Still can't tell who all is leaving them. so, 3 of the 4 big birds are laying.
I have to Wonder about one of them. I saw her mounting the big Aussie. What does that mean. There is no way this one looks like a roo. Her comb and wattle are even smaller than one that I know is already laying.
Chickens, they can make you crazy!
My chickens do the same thing when I dump out their pools. I think they would rather drink the water puddle water than the clean water in the pool.
Holy cow, $300 water bill!!!! That is crazy. What all do you water?
Everything on just under two acres. I pretty much water every day from 6AM until around 1 and start again around 6 until 9PM. I have a mister on the chickens all day and also have a pool so it gets low in this heat. I could really use a break!
Jens-hens: that explains it. I really hope we get some rain myself. I am not sure I can keep the chicks alive long if this heat keeps going up and up. I hear we are not going to catch a break for quite some time, either.I already cut my losses on the lawn. It's brown as the dirt under it.
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Matt, Fresh clean water, fresh food and shade....they'll do fine.

Here's a hint or something to look for all, when you put out the waterers for the birdies to splash in, check under it from time to time to ensure there aren't any maggots growing...with water being scarce, flies will lay their eggs where's there is moister along with other cooties. Move your bowl from place to place to allow the ground to dry out daily from your watering activities to keep the critters at bay. I also use open pans for feet cooling but closed waterers for drinking to make sure they have fresh all day long....a chicken will not drink dirty water no matter how thirsty they are, and most hens like the daily foot wash, lol.
A picture to put a smile on anyone's face:

And one of our FBCM, about 10 weeks old now. Not too pleased with how their color is growing in, I think the lady who sold them to us couldn't bear to cull anything so she bred everything.


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