Turkey Day with MP & AussieSharon - photo heavy

so, you do the sugar/salt brine for a few days before roasting then? We have 4 BBB we intend for Thanksgiving and whenever - will probably do one before Thanksgiving so it's not too huge for the oven to see whether it's time to butcher the others or not, LOL. Wish the BBB could breed, I'd love to keep a pair for eggs to hatch, just don't want to have to artificially inseminate, ick! I watched that Dirty Jobs, don't want that job! LOL!
Miss Prissy those are gorgeous! You must keep a little (or alot) of everything! Where did you learn the farming trade? I grew up in the city and just moved to the country. I am way behind.
BBB can breed if you know what you are doing. The big toms can't mate but a standard tom can mate a BBB hen if they manage to get to egg laying without issues. Some do have fertility issues and some don't.

AHappychick - an old bird is going to be tough no matter what. Most people stew them or do coq au vin.

17 roses I grew Up on a farm.

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