Turkey Help With Young Tom

Diamond Peno

Mar 27, 2015
Sinnamahoning PA
I have a young Tom Turkey about 3 months old now. SINCE the day I got him I have babied him as I have seen and had friends that have supper chilled cuddle turkeys. Well he is lovable BUT at times he dose this who pecking/attacking me mostly my hands/fingers and arms. He goes to fluff up like a TOM would I have to grab him and hold him or place my hand on his back (he instantly lays down but still bits at times) SO I lay his head down easy and he chills. I Purr to him like a Mother turkey would BUT I want him to see me as safe BUT that I am boss.
I got him to use for education on wild and pet turkeys and talk about other farm foul as well as in HOW to care for them and how they can make nice pets. BUT I know they can be VERY protective. He is OVER protective of the adult ducks, baby duckling and chick as in he WILL not harm them but will go after me or hubby we make them peep to much lol. Little scared of the adult chickens still but getting better. He is in the house for now but dose got out as I am home a lot so he is out a lot. and he is paper trained. YES I have fallen asleep with him in my chair and woke up and no potty on me. so he is a GOOD TOM.
I have painted my nails and he seems to bit them when I did that but only at times... I get some colors/designs me scare him BUT how do I teach him NO bit me I am safe even if he sees/thinks danger as i think that is one problem. BUT there are times we just get done with a lovely cuddle then he is a jerk again. Dose this more when he is in his cage though as in bites an processed to follow out of the cage doing it till I get him to realize HE you are on my turf. which could be just a cage/coop aggression thing and if so HOW do you stop that? . and for 3 months OLD that crap HURTS lol. BUT then its like he feels bad and knows he dose wrong an will hid from me (when he follows me all over) an calls for me peeking around the corner like are you still mad??? like NO dip nut that crap up. I love my turkey but looking for some advice as to what he may be doing an how to nip it in the butt before it gets to bad.
YES he gets out as in OUTSIDE. He dose not do this behavor outside yet. not in the large pens yet. Only in the house. He dose this mostly in this cage an at times when out. like he get a bug up his butt sometimes when out and dose it.
he is a broad breasted turkey (just about all the turkeys I have meet not mater the type about the same an YES I have met some MEAN ones. BUT my boy don't seem mean seems more like he is trying to dominate me or challenge me... BUT he will not my hubby an in the pack or flock order I am head honcho.... as its me who is on the farm 24/7 as he works i run the farm yard so I take order and charge of things day in and day out with training, healthcare, feeding/watering. he helps out but it me here so they see me as top him as more less 2nd. why dose he do this to me not him.. an can you help.
Picture is of said turkey his name is Tucky. When I went to pick him out I asked ALL the turkeys WHO wants to go home with me... HE jumped up at me and started talking to me and gave me that look and I feel in love. all the others ran.... except the little tiny runty female I took. The shipment box came in soaking wet. they lost a few and the guy was trying to get them dry and save who he could and he did except the small runty girl was not looking well. SO I took her and tried to help her. He was depressed when she passed SO when I has some young ducks hatch out early I placed them close to his cage so he had company an he attached him self to the ducks as well as my pot belly pigs, my one cat, and me even more. BUT he let the DUCKS beat him up the pig is easy around with him as is the cat an he don't pull that with them. SO why me? Is it because as an animal mom I make him do things and he is just being a young teen age boy/jake/tom?
I know he is NOT aggressive and it has to be a young Jake thing as in going into tomhood...? or is he trying to tell me something? I know I may sound crazy but I can sit her and talk to him and he will reply back in turkey of corse and watch tv with me. The only time he DOSE NOT pull any of this stuff if when I am sick and my health problems act up or I have a migraine about to come on or am in pain from one or back pain he changes (like some animals do I take it he scenes things) he will not pull his jerk-ness attitude and will sit on me and prun my hair, are skin, and coo like at me. lol. SO any advice on how to curb him being a jerk and stop before it gets to bad and why he maybe doing it at times?


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That's what happens if you let a turkey bond to you, especially a Tom. He will get even more aggressive if it's already aggressive. Turkey poults need to be raised with other poults so they know they are turkeys. They can be friendly without being bonded to you. Unfortunately you can't change what has happened. Expect it to get worse and for him to get dangerous.
HOW can that be when I have seen people let their toms bond with them? he just recently started this and ONLY seems to do this when IN his cage and some times outside of it for a bit... BUT outside outside and when outside for a while he won't.
SINCE he was a baby I have taken him place to get him use to place, car rides and people and he DON'T do this to other JUST me... what I am wondering is why me at time then he loves on me? lol.
I had a cripple duck who was an asshole to me for 6 years BUT never to anyone else... loves babies other things smaller then him and other animals (except INSIDE he would test our dogs an chase them and get aggressive with them trying to ride them at times which get he was a male needed you you KNOW so I got him some stuffed toys which kinda helped) IF he IS an asshole JUST to me only ever and its just a thing between me an him like my old crippled duck then hey I can deal with that. BUT where their is a will there is a way... and some thing tells me its something else beside aggression as in that is not it persay right now. It could become that and get really bad if not nipped in the butt and I will search HIGH and LOW and read up on wild and pet turkeys an ALL things I can to help out. I know its weird but there is a bond there with me and him like that dang duck I had that was a doosh at times lol
Its more like I reach in the cage he pecks/bits. ( I give him food/water he dont) I go to get him out he starts to peck sees I am getting him out, half the time I just open the door, call he comes. Like I said he some times starts to pull that when I am holding him I just hold his head easy and lay it down ( HE dose NOT struggle during this a fight me it like oh you got my head I will lay it down down go sleepy/cuddle time, and then he stops)
AS I also said I have been working with him for Animal Education (harness training and doing thing he may not like but doing it easy and slow so he don't freak out) but we want him harness trained so we are out he is ONE: protected as in he gets scared WE have control so he don't take off get hit/lost
TWO: common scene you keep your pets protected when you are out and they are ina strange place.
SO could be he thinks we are training an he is like UM NOPE and pecks... as in mad at me OR just dose it to be a jerk like my old crippled duck did at times.
I do hear you and what you are saying I know some can be mean. BUT HE is not in that way. some thing with him is up... as in HE is doing this for a reason like telling me something. My hubby cuddles and loves on him JUST the same as me. just is not around him 24/7 like me but loves about as much... so why me is he a jerk to. OR is it since he is a male and I am a female HE is trying to be dom over me? and if that is the case how to a curb that some?
At 3 months he's starting to mature and isn't a baby anymore. They go from learning from you to dominating you if you allowed it to bond to you because it causes the turkey to think you and it are the same species.

He's pecking you to dominate and control you. He's a turkey. No matter how much you attempt to make him something else, he will only act like a turkey will. If it indeed a male it will eventually become sexually frustrated and will become more aggressive and may try to mount you or any other human. It isn't a safe situation. I've seen what turkeys can do. The are strong birds.

You should have raised a few turkeys together, than picked the most friendly to go on occasional visits. You can't change the basic instincts of a bird. Turkeys in general are very friendly birds when raised in a kind manner. They are smart and responsive, but they need to know they are turkeys and to be with other turkeys in order to be happy. A human cannot replace that. They are flock animals.

I hope I am not sounding mean, just sharing what I know of turkeys and their behaviors, and needs.
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I believe it is all very bird dependent. I have noticed that broadbreasted's are much more aggressive than heritage birds. I think it's partly due to a seemingly insatiable hunger. I believe that bronze broadbreast are even worse, but that could have just been bad luck. BBBronze toms were the most aggressive birds I've ever had. I have imprinted and bonded with multiple batches of birds and have had zero issues. I don't know if they think I'm a turkey, or if they are peoples. Who knows? lol Yeah, I have a couple toms that will very POLITELY ask to mount me if I'm hunched over doing something. It's pretty hilarious actually. If they think I'm a turkey, they damn well know I'm the boss turkey. I've only ever had to beat the crap out of one tom to put him in his place. I think it could be more difficult with and around children since they're small, the turkey's might think they're able to take on a smaller human shaped turkey lol. I don't have any experience with a solo turkey tho, they are very social flock animals and really should be in a group of 3 or 4 minimum. This fact could have many variables in turkey behavior.
I believe it is all very bird dependent. I have noticed that broadbreasted's are much more aggressive than heritage birds. I think it's partly due to a seemingly insatiable hunger. I believe that bronze broadbreast are even worse, but that could have just been bad luck. BBBronze toms were the most aggressive birds I've ever had. I have imprinted and bonded with multiple batches of birds and have had zero issues. I don't know if they think I'm a turkey, or if they are peoples. Who knows? lol Yeah, I have a couple toms that will very POLITELY ask to mount me if I'm hunched over doing something. It's pretty hilarious actually. If they think I'm a turkey, they damn well know I'm the boss turkey. I've only ever had to beat the crap out of one tom to put him in his place. I think it could be more difficult with and around children since they're small, the turkey's might think they're able to take on a smaller human shaped turkey lol. I don't have any experience with a solo turkey tho, they are very social flock animals and really should be in a group of 3 or 4 minimum. This fact could have many variables in turkey behavior.
I go out of my way to make sure none of my poultry gets imprinted either by me or other kinds of poultry. The only human aggressive turkeys that I have ever had were ones that were imprinted and started by other people.

I believe that your issues with Broad Breasted Bronze turkeys is an issue that relates directly to you since I have not found that to be an issue with the ones that I had in the past. I had a mean nasty Broad Breasted Bronze hen that would kill anything small that she could catch including songbirds. She came up behind me and bit me one time. My reflex reaction was to grab her by the neck and I started doing the swing to break her neck when I realized what was going on and released her in mid swing. She never came within 3' of me again. The tom was an absolute sweetheart.

There is evidence that diet can lead to aggression in turkeys. The link is to a PDF file.

The connection between nutrition and behaviour in turkeys
Yep, I think it all to be very bird dependent, plus who knows about all of the other variables. Could have just been bad luck with the BBbronzes.
I will try anything. I do plan on getting more turkeys BUT at the time I was not going to order turkey as you had to get like so many and the feed stores that did have them I kept missing them when in to get some as I just wanted a tom and at least 2/3 hens. SO the chance came up I got to get some and picked out 2 as they where 10 each which was ok but had to get farm feed so 2 was all i could put in for.... also they were more then likely from the same litter and brother/sister. so wanted to get try later and get hens that were not or different types of hens. I thought they were the white turkeys with black on them not the broad ones as I wanted to breed them. I get told 2 different things as in you can't have them mate naturally as they are to heavy have to have human help or artificial do it... and then I have people tell me theirs mate just fine hens and toms.... depends what you feed them and let them have free space. I get people who tell me he will get to fat at 5 to 6 months old and HAVE to be killed because they are only good for food.... which I get they where designed for that... Even if he dose become a crippled old pecking meany I will hall him around in a little red wagon an get him turkey dippers lol.
He is eating His start and grow wild game turkey feed mixed with non med chick feed as I looks and its all the same except a number here an there off. Along with oats/corn/wild bird seed/oatmeal/Whole oats/flax seed all the stuff minus the cheerios that my ducks chickens get in their feed and throw out nummies. I have asked farmers around me who have had turkeys and what they feed them including my vet who know about them enough... as in deit wise (half the farms around me dont even use chicken feed just corn or oats all year round but they are all free range.... like all the time, and lay eggs where ever as they may have a coop but dont always go to it. THEY have told me they can not figure out WHY he acts like that as far as mainly IN the cage and a little outside of it IN the house.... once out for a few mins he stops and when out side he don't do this to me at all. HE gets the same food outside as inside. anc cheerios as a treat outside at time as he sorta likes them but not really his fave. I just use his breakfast or dinner meals as training at times... and his plain starter feed. he is also NOT a hug eater for a broad breasted like I have seen either never has been.
HE will how ever outside nudge me or try to PULL my hand/arm closer with is beak or foot wanting me to pet him..... Out side total lover boy. inside tends to be a jerk. COULD he see the house and his cage as his coop and he is trying to take top tom in it? HE is being worked with to be outside with the chickens/ducks. he dose get along with the ducks BUT still scared of the chickens some. even the bantams as they all come up to him like HI what are you? really fast like chickens do and that scars him... where the ducks do it easy an he likes that. BUT he lets the ducks boss him around and the young chickens or babies. BUT not sure how to take them chickens lol.
UPDATE: my tom has been moved outside since back at 3 months old weather was nice. HE did not like it at 1st but the ducks he imprinted on were with him. (they were handicapped) they have since passed on as they had issues and he was depressed BUT had some others ready to live outside an that made his day. Also a friend had a Hen a year old but it kept getting out and wondering since she lost her mate. Put them together an he is not as aggressive. he still takes food little rough at times but have some chickens that do that lol He an the hen are very protective of the rest of the flock. The hen thought the baby ducks were her baby's as she tried to sit on them like a mother hen turkey dose If there is danger she acts like a protective mother hen turkey to the ducks adult or baby's an young chickens. My Tom still has a huge imprint on me an comes to visit in the house from time to time BUT he is less aggressive now that he is out with the flock, has a gf an his job which is to help the Roosters protect and he takes his job serous :) he is now a happy turkey. He just needed a gr and start to do his propose which is protector. He is sweet now and was starting to mellow out before his gf came but she made all the difference an she helps protect the flock as well. He is the smaller white one.


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UPDATE: my tom has been moved outside since back at 3 months old weather was nice. HE did not like it at 1st but the ducks he imprinted on were with him. (they were handicapped) they have since passed on as they had issues and he was depressed BUT had some others ready to live outside an that made his day. Also a friend had a Hen a year old but it kept getting out and wondering since she lost her mate. Put them together an he is not as aggressive. he still takes food little rough at times but have some chickens that do that lol He an the hen are very protective of the rest of the flock. The hen thought the baby ducks were her baby's as she tried to sit on them like a mother hen turkey dose If there is danger she acts like a protective mother hen turkey to the ducks adult or baby's an young chickens. My Tom still has a huge imprint on me an comes to visit in the house from time to time BUT he is less aggressive now that he is out with the flock, has a gf an his job which is to help the Roosters protect and he takes his job serous :) he is now a happy turkey. He just needed a gr and start to do his propose which is protector. He is sweet now and was starting to mellow out before his gf came but she made all the difference an she helps protect the flock as well. He is the smaller white one.
It appears that you have two hens. The larger one looks like a BBW (broad breasted white) hen while the smaller one looks to be a heritage White hen.

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