Turkey wing clipping?


In the Brooder
Aug 10, 2015
I just found my 4 turkeys out by the street today . I have 5 acres but for some reason they went to the kids school bus . My wife is beyond ****** . I'm hoping clipping there wings will keep them in the fenced area. Any input?
If they around light birds, they will still be able to hop up and over a fenc, even if you clip both wings. If there is a top rail over your fence, remove it if you can. This will discourage them from jumping up on top of the fence.
Turkeys can be hard to contain and sometimes keep where they belong, mine go into a nice covered pen when they are done free ranging or else they would be all over the neighborhood too. Turkeys are attracted to noises so they probably were following the sounds. Mine love the sound of construction.
I went and clipped there wings. I just did one on each bird , apparently that's what your supposed to do . They have over an acre of fenced in area to forage and few shelters with roosting bars. Hopefully this will keep them from roaming . thanks for the input
I made the mistake of clipping both on my young ones and it hasn't slowed them one bit, let me know how the one wing works.
Even if you clip both wings.

So the whole idea here is if you clip one wing the bird will be off balance when it attempts to fly/jump which will discourage it from doing so. I have had no such luck with lighter heritage breeds as they can jump great distances without needing to fly. As a matter of fact I retrieved our Red Bourbon from the neighbors yard this morning. Luckily the house is for sale and empty or I might have the HOA on to us again. From here on out we will only do broad breasted varieties who's body weight always out grows wing capacity and they never jump/fly more than 2-3 ft high.
We have 5 month old royal palms. This morning 3 out of 4 were still in the pen. The one that hopped out stayed close to the fence. I think once he realized no one was coming with him , he hopped back in.

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