Turkey with swollen cheeks


8 Years
Sep 17, 2011
I finished cleaning him up her beak was covered in hardened boogers and some feathers. She eats normally and drinks water fine. I seperated her from my other turkeys. My turkey pen is next to some sheep and across from it is a chicken pen. My other animals are fine, most of my sheep are pregnant and are having their kids this month. None of the chickens look sick either. The other turkys haven't caught anything. Here's the picts after she's all cleaned up.

Looks like sinovitis (spelling?). Basically like a sinus infection. We usually give them a shot of Tylan 200 for 3 days, but I can't remember the dosage off hand. Hopefully someone else will remember dosage. Otherwise you can probably give Tylan 50 in the water. I've found it seems like turkeys are the best at picking this up, guineas almost never lol
I ordered Tylan and right now im waiting for it to be mailed. My turkey seems to stumble a lot over her feeding tray and keeps dumping the food. Her nose isn't running as much. Anything else i can do while i wait for the Tylan?
Might want to place feeder up on something so she can't tip it over. If she isn't eating as much you could try augmenting with some crushed hard boiled eggs and/or meal worms. Does she roost? If not, is she off the ground at night (straw/wood chips/etc)?
Needs to be on clean bedding. Could also try 4 drops of Polyvisol Enfamil (no iron), infant vitamins, a day for a week and taper off (place on torn up grapes/cut up peaches etc.).

You might be able to find Terramycin/Duramycin in feed/farm supply store. The powder is added to the water. Could be useful while waiting on the Tylan (secondary infection is the biggest threat).
I saw a post where someone drained the sinus from a peacock, by cutting the bottom of the sinus and squeezing the stuff out.

your bird probably can't see from the swelling

If the meds don't work, or they take too long to get there, you may have to drain them yourself to give him some relief.

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