Turkey with swollen cheeks

You don't need to go really deep with the needle. there is just the skin and a membrane that you need to go through. On the bright side, if you did go a bit deeper, the brain is further back so you shouldn't hit that as long as you go straight in from the side. When it solidifies, I really don't know if it feels solid or still squishy? Just DON'T use a dirty needle to draw the Tylan. You don't want to contaminate the bottle. I'm sure you know that, just wanted to mention it.

I don't know if I mentioned it before, but your turkey likely has a virus, the swollen sinus would be a secondary bacterial infection. You can't do anything about the virus, the antibiotics are to basically 'treat the symptoms' and take care of the bacterial.
By the way, looking at the caruncles, she looks more like a 'he' to me... Looks like my Bourbon Red that lost his snnod when he was young (probably pecked off by another turkey).
i bet squishy is not solid though, I am glad to know about able to inject tylan. Is that tylan 50 or tylan 200? The firsttime I did a turkey sinus scared me to half to death. I think was more traumatic to me. I usually go behind the bill a ways and under the eye a ways that tissue is easier for me to insert needle and aim it towards the back of their head not straight in. 18g is pretty big but will be tougher for her to insert. I usually use 22g myself. I make sure it is brand new needle so it is very sharp and easy to go in.Well anyways not that I am going over any of your advice Frosty just glad to hear you inject sinuses also and learning some from you too!
I order all my supplies from Shopmedvet.com I order 100 scapels then all my syringes for 5.00 a box was when they had sale. I cannot order medicine because I am not vet but anyways just handy site I thought I would share.
i bet squishy is not solid though, I am glad to know about able to inject tylan. Is that tylan 50 or tylan 200? The firsttime I did a turkey sinus scared me to half to death. I think was more traumatic to me. I usually go behind the bill a ways and under the eye a ways that tissue is easier for me to insert needle and aim it towards the back of their head not straight in. 18g is pretty big but will be tougher for her to insert. I usually use 22g myself. I make sure it is brand new needle so it is very sharp and easy to go in.Well anyways not that I am going over any of your advice Frosty just glad to hear you inject sinuses also and learning some from you too!

I go with the 18g needles because the stuff is thick... I have used 16g needles before too, I had them on hand from treating a cat (I refer to them as harpoons). Most of the needles that I have now are Terumo, thin walled and very sharp. I have always gone straight in the center of the swelling, and I pretty much just stick the needle in just past the bevel on the tip. I was really scared the first time, too. And my family went into hiding so I was on my own. My hands were probably shaking, I'm just glad the turkey held still.

When the stuff solidifies, I really don't know if it gets hard or just like the consistency of cream cheese?

The actual instructions that I got were to stick a needle in and suck the gunk out, then inject Tylan 50. So I asked 'How much Tylan?' They said 'just fill the sinus'. Actually, much more than 1 ml and the stuff starts leaking back out. Apparently the sinus holds more snot than Tylan? Going with the instructions I saw somewhere else, I catch the infection in the early stages, suck it out, inject Tylan, then wait 48 hours to see if it stays down. At that point I would consider a second injection, but haven't had to do that yet. In all of my cases it was one shot. A lot of folks won't agree with that on the grounds that it could create antibiotic resistant bacteria... The birds that I have treated never had it again and it never spread to others in the flock.
Cool, I will inject Tylan 50 next time see if it works better. Thanks for advice! I appreciate it and I bet my Turkeys will too.
I meant on 18g that needle won't bend when you push it in. That the needle tough. Not insert bad. I just worded not clear. I used to use 18g just usually have 22 on needle syringe so use it cause it comes with syringe.
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I usually use a smaller needle (like a 22g) to inject the Tylan. You can use the 200, but I would go with a quarter of the dose since it's 4 times as strong. You were very correct when you said it causes muscle damage, but I have never seen damage injecting into the sinus. At least not visible damage... They do warn of muscle damage on the instructions that come with the stuff, and I heard that you'll see the damage in animals when they are dressed (and that it's cause for the carcass to be rejected).

While I have heard of giving Tylan orally, most folks who have done so say that it's much more effective when injected.
Well i bought the smallest needle which was a 22g and it bent a bit. So i stopped and will have to got to the store again to get a 18g. I'll inject in sinus maybe do a video. But when i do this some how my whole family "disappears". Well I'll post later to see what happens to him.
Well i bought the smallest needle which was a 22g and it bent a bit. So i stopped and will have to got to the store again to get a 18g. I'll inject in sinus maybe do a video. But when i do this some how my whole family "disappears". Well I'll post later to see what happens to him.

Yup, that's how it works!
I mention Turkey and sinus in the same sentence and they are gone. Hmmm... I wonder if I could use this to my advantage?

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