Turkeys w/swollen sinus,need tylan dosage for200 & 50


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 7, 2011
I was told to give .05 cc of tylan 50 for 5 days. the farm store only has tylan 200 what do I give them ? And can I give orally? How may times a day?I also seen on the internet that tylan 50 is not stong enough. What do you think?
thanks a bunch that was helpfull! do you know a withdraw time for turkeys? fair is 24th. I don,t know if I can even take then. I want to see them get better either way.
I don't know about withdrawal. Being it is not approved for poultry, I have seen anywhere from 1 day to 60 days.

I, personally would not take them to the fair risking exposure to others.
Hi, I wanted to let everyone know the withdraw is 5 days for tylan 50 for turkeys. The osu pharmacy finally called back. The dosage chart for tylan 50 is great. Also the turkeys are well with no signs of sickness. The one that had trouble walking is getting better. We were able to take two of the turkeys to our fair. They got 3rd. place over 21 birds! We got to bring our fair birds back home. The buyer gave them back to my daughter saying anything that follows someone around like these turkeys do must be happy with their keeper. Happy days. It is nice to see the turkeys out and about. Thank you everyone for your help.
That's great news! How much did she get? Enough to cover feed and meds for awhile?

FYI Tylan causes permanent tissue damage. If you gave them shots in the breast, there will be permant scar tissue there.
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Here is another thread that should answer your question. Tylan 200 is 4x's as strong as Tylan 50. I used Tylan 50 on my poults. If you have a 25 pound turkey, 8 cc is a lot to inject!

If you get the Tylan 200, use 1/4 the amount in the table on this link.

I gave 1.6 cc of Tylan 200 to a 20 lb turkey hen in the skin in back of neck as described in another post. I separated it in half into 2 different places but her neck looks red tonight. Looks like she may have had an injection site reaction. Has anyone else experienced this? What can be done to give her some comfort?
I gave 1.6 cc of Tylan 200 to a 20 lb turkey hen in the skin in back of neck as described in another post. I separated it in half into 2 different places but her neck looks red tonight. Looks like she may have had an injection site reaction. Has anyone else experienced this? What can be done to give her some comfort?
Goronson I did the same except just 1cc and my girls had some sort of reaction too and I’m trying to figure out if there is anything I need to do or if it will get better on its own. They look to have some bruising or maybe it a big patch of dried blood and there caruncles on their neck are swollen. Did yours get better? Did you have to do anything to help?
Goronson I did the same except just 1cc and my girls had some sort of reaction too and I’m trying to figure out if there is anything I need to do or if it will get better on its own. They look to have some bruising or maybe it a big patch of dried blood and there caruncles on their neck are swollen. Did yours get better? Did you have to do anything to help?
Can you start a new thread of your own, since this one is 9 years old? Give as much information as possible about your bird, what kind, and what symptoms you have been seeing? Tylan 50 or 200 is given by injection into the breast muscle, but also van be given orally by removing the needle from the syringe. Here is where to post your knew thread where more people will see it and respond:

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