Twin Chicks Double yolk

You could let her keep an egg to hatch, once you have chicks you could let her raise them all! No sense in breaking her broodiness if you have fertile eggs or will have chicks. I bet any or all of the eggs would do better under her... my broodies all have 100% hatch rates, I just can't compare to that!
She was broken yesterday. I did consider it but I didn't want her sitting when she should be getting ready for winter. :)
Had to candle early due to a severe temp spike. This is egg 1. I'm not sure if the second yolk is fertile but we shall see over time. May have lost B.


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let us know how they turn out
Bad news and weird news.

I'm 90% sure we have lost one of the double yolks and B from the spike. My six year olds feels so bad for bumping the dial and turning the heat way to high. Accidents happen. I'm keeping my eye on the batch for a few days and hoping for the best and expecting the worst.

On the bright side of today while collecting eggs my little man was looking for some that would be good enough to replace the others and found the craziest thing. He was so proud that he had found the biggest egg we had ever seen! We candled it right away.

3 YOLKS! It's huge! .... Poor hen....
I have had some pretty crazy temp spikes and had the eggs survive. Once even incubated a batch of eggs at 95 all the way through due to a faulty thermometer. Granted the chicks that hatched have always been a little funky... However I wouldn't panic too much over temp spikes, or drops, they happen.

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