Twin Chicks Double yolk

One appears to be a RIR and the other looks like our Easter rooster. Both hav pea combs as for as I can see.
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I don't think it was 2 different roos but the eggs can be fertile up to 3 weeks after they do the deed duo it may be possible
I don't think it was 2 different roos but the eggs can be fertile up to 3 weeks after they do the deed duo it may be possible
That's amazing, please keep me posted on their progression. I'm really interested in seeing pictures as they grow older :)
I don't think it was 2 different roos but the eggs can be fertile up to 3 weeks after they do the deed duo it may be possible

I was counting on that when one of my roosters passed away recently and I collected eggs from 2 hens the next week…not one of them was fertile. We have had stormy weather and everyone was molting and it's the shortest days...

I also set some eggs from another breeding pen, 2 different hens and rooster. It was a small sample, but I dated the eggs before I set them. I candled them the first week, and one hen had a fertile egg every other day?

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