Two silkie polish crosses in DE


9 Years
Sep 25, 2010
Me again. A few months ago I was looking for a home for two silkies and two barred rocks, and my uncle and grandmother decided to take them. The barred rocks did well. The silkies never adjusted, the other chickens didn't let them out much, and they were stressing and becoming flighty. A few weeks ago I brought both the silkies home and have them in a chicken tractor and after a few days they settled right in and stopped being so flighty. I can let them out for walks and still get them back into a chicken tractor, but it's not ideal for them long term.

Frightful is a few years old, still goes broody often, but may be close to being done with laying. Pepper, her daughter, is almost two, and was laying up until the move, but has only laid one egg since. Both birds are now molting. They lay a cute little banty egg, but aren't heavy layers. They are both adorable and friendly, and will ride on your arm as long as you are quiet. They will tolerate being picked up, and like scratches on their chins. Frightful is a great mother and can raise peeps. She still feeds Pepper most the time. And Pepper has seen her mom raise peeps and quickly got used to them and did well with the babies.

They are free to a good home with good husbandry and excellent predator security (I realize letting them free range by day or part thereof is a trade off, but as long as their chance of being dinner is low, that's okay). They would be great as pets with benefits (some eggs and raising peeps). I just want them to have a happy and long life with someone. They are currently on organic feed. My one chicken friend down here has a closed flock and the other isn't certain they want more birds as they are nearly full. We are in Lewes.

Here's a video of them from awhile ago. Frightful has the top hat and Pepper is foraging near the run.

And here is Pepper and Frightful three months after I rescued them (esp Pepper) from a snow storm, and made a silly video of them learning to jump for food.

Anyone keen for some adorable banties?
So I'm in South Dover/Camden and I have a mixed flock in my backyard with everything from a Sizzle Serema to Light Brahmas, and everyone is pretty laid back and docile since the free range all day and only get cooped at night. I can add your little girls to my flock of you'd like, but I would ask that maybe you meet me halfway, like in Milford. I've got my hands full with bottle baby foster kittens and can't be gone for more them an hour and a half.

Oops, somehow the reply notification didnt work. I'll send you a PM :)

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