Uggo Fan Page

I have one NN ladygirl named Chance at home (had to help her out of shell, therefore the name) and used to have a very UGGO SG Roo named Frankie who recently passed sniff-sniff. NOW I have a new UGGO Roo named George who I am going to be bringing home today. Big thank you to BYFM!

Here is a pic of one of my silly looking chicks from a past hatch:

HOLY MOSES he is UGLY! What on earth is he, surely not really a chicken? He looks like a muppet gone wrong!
HOLY MOSES he is UGLY! What on earth is he, surely not really a chicken? He looks like a muppet gone wrong!
He is a naked neck frizzle mixed with a partridge silkie... He is a mutant chicken for sure!!!
He is bigger than his mom and dad!... He must have gotten into some toxic sludge LOL
HOLY MOSES he is UGLY! What on earth is he, surely not really a chicken? He looks like a muppet gone wrong!

OH COME ON!!! He is gorgeous! I know, I know... beauty is in the eye of the beholder

I have NO idea where the idea that an uggo looks anything like a muppet came from! This is my uggo roo, named Uggo... yes creative as heck on my part.... He is THE sweetest bird I've owned to date. So, to me this makes him worth keeping, and worth the trouble of caring for his impaired butt. He lost one foot and all the toes on the other foot over winter. Poor guy. But he gimps around, hops up onto his perch, and dotes on his one remaining uggo hen. I took off the prosthetic because I couldn't keep it dry... but it's harder for him to get around... I need to come up with something to help cushion his stump.

I recently lost my first uggo hen to a fox I think. Poor girl But, not before she had hatched out a bunch of uggo chicks! We have a few NN in the mix, but there are some pretty cool looking crested birds... I wish I had the time to devote to developing some of them into a breed.

One trait about uggos that has been pretty consistant....... they are broody! I also have 2 other uggo hens sitting on 12 eggs .. though I cannot attest to their intelligence... the nest is up in a loft. There is NO way for the chicks to get down without falling 6 ft. I have to watch out for when they're ready to leave the nest.
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well..... uggos are still alive and well sorta, anyone else have any left? One of my original girls is still with me, though I think this winter will take a toll on her. I have one other hen the brown one above left. My poor wonderful Uggo Roo, past away this summer. I was crushed, he was the sweetest roo I ever had.
I lost my last Uggo hen this winter, though I take that back, I have one hen that is part uggo, she has the button head like the brown one above. Maybe I'll save some of her eggs she's in with a Sumatra roo.

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