Hi, sorry to jump on your thread but this seems to be the most up to date one what with the last post ^ and I didn't want to start a new one..

If this goes widespread over the uk, and they've named 'zones' that are affected.. Would they order all birds in that zone to be culled? Could they do that? We have a backyard flock of fourteen who are our babies, the thought of someone knocking the door and ordering them dead doesn't bear thinking about
or would they have to test them?

Thanks x
Hi, sorry to say I don't know the answer to your question..I am just in the same boat and worried. I'm surprised there are not far more posts about this considering the amount of members? Maybe most of them are not from the UK? I would also like to know the answer to your question- if anyone has any idea?
I'm just not letting mine out to house to be honest. My bathroom doesn't know what's hit it though. Seriously concerned.

There are several threads on this subject here on the forum but I would think most of us have now done as much as we can to protect our birds and are quietly having a nervous breakdown whilst we wait it out and watching our birds suffering cramped conditions with a heavy heart. Mine are used to completely free ranging and they are starting to get really frustrated now and pecking order issues are beginning to develop. Two of my exchequer leghorns were having a right old ding dong the other day and there were bloody combs and wattles before I managed to intervene. Hoping against hope that they don't need to extend the lock down.


With 70+ chickens I would need a bathroom the size of a football changing room! I admire your commitment to them, bringing them into the house though. Not sure I could do that even if I only had a few.

There are several threads on this subject here on the forum but I would think most of us have now done as much as we can to protect our birds and are quietly having a nervous breakdown whilst we wait it out and watching our birds suffering cramped conditions with a heavy heart. Mine are used to completely free ranging and they are starting to get really frustrated now and pecking order issues are beginning to develop. Two of my exchequer leghorns were having a right old ding dong the other day and there were bloody combs and wattles before I managed to intervene. Hoping against hope that they don't need to extend the lock down.


With 70+ chickens I would need a bathroom the size of a football changing room! I admire your commitment to them, bringing them into the house though. Not sure I could do that even if I only had a few.

I love them like they are my children. I'd do anything to protect them. They are messy though! What are you doing with yours? Where are you?

There are several threads on this subject here on the forum but I would think most of us have now done as much as we can to protect our birds and are quietly having a nervous breakdown whilst we wait it out and watching our birds suffering cramped conditions with a heavy heart. Mine are used to completely free ranging and they are starting to get really frustrated now and pecking order issues are beginning to develop. Two of my exchequer leghorns were having a right old ding dong the other day and there were bloody combs and wattles before I managed to intervene. Hoping against hope that they don't need to extend the lock down.


With 70+ chickens I would need a bathroom the size of a football changing room! I admire your commitment to them, bringing them into the house though. Not sure I could do that even if I only had a few.
I only count two threads-one in ducks and one in chickens about it, must have missed the others my apologies. Still, no one had responded to the questions asked by taylatequila about the zones..I guess no one knows the likely answer to that.

I'm sorry you are having problems with your birds-thankfully i only have a few and they all get on really well so no such problems except for the mess from the ducks, and a little worried about it being too dark in the house but not much i can do about that.

I have only ever had a broody chicken with babies in the house before at one time (and the odd sick chicken in), i definitely couldn't handle a whole flock!
My ducks are outside. Dead ducks (not mallards) were found in the next town and on the small beach just 2 km away but I haven't heard about it in my area since. Sadly farm ducks and chickens aren't so luckily and get killed by thousends in other areas

My ducks are mallards they live in the ditch with the other ducks, I feed them everyday and they all behave as usual.. I stopped panicking a month ago, there's nothing I can do. Haven't got the flu myself either :confused:
There has been some cases in the uk now.
Over here in Ireland we have been advised
To keep all poultry confined to a space where,
No wildlife will be around them to spread the disease.
There has been no cases here in Ireland yet,
And let's hope it will stay that way :fl
Goodluck and merry Christmas,
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News reported there is bird flu on duck farms in France. 800,000 - 1,300,000 ducks and geese will be killed. These are birds on free range farms :(
I'm in Ireland and there has been one case.
The show and sale ban is on until 22nd but I think it should be extended.
The Irish national show is on the 28th of January, so it should be fine,
But there is very little entries.
I'm not going to go because healthy birds are much better than a roset!
I also heard there is more bird flu found in Wales.
Goodluck to everyone and I hope all of your birds stay healthy.

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