Unusual Fowl Pox - Necropsy Results

Actually, from what I have read, you might be right about the Fowl Pox, only wouldn't at least some others have contracted it by now? As a temporary measure, you might try putting Triple Antibiotic ointment on the sore places, or maybe dab with Iodine. A look in her mouth to see if she has any lesions there might give you some clues, too.
I seriously don't know but it MUST be some kind of bacterial infection if it responded to the Sulfa, right? How long did you have her on that altogether?

Maybe a different kind of antibiotic....maybe Cephalexin? I think the vet owes you a free followup.......and I'd be on the phone with her asap if I were you.

I have no experience at all with Fowl Pox but someone on here should be able to give you some insight.

You could also try Peter Brown, the Chicken Doctor....www.firststatevetsupply.com. I don't know how much he charges for a consult now. He's not a vet, but very knowledgeable,
he's been around awhile. Sometimes hard to reach right away, but worth a try.

She was on the sulfa for 14 days. The new lesions haven't swollen like the one in the first post. It's so weird! My best uneducated guess is it's a viral thing. I will check Peter Brown's website.
Actually, from what I have read, you might be right about the Fowl Pox, only wouldn't at least some others have contracted it by now? As a temporary measure, you might try putting Triple Antibiotic ointment on the sore places, or maybe dab with Iodine. A look in her mouth to see if she has any lesions there might give you some clues, too.

I agree. I would think at least one of the others would be showing some symptoms by now. We have 10! A couple of years ago, one of our girls had fowl pox and it didn't look anything like this.

EDIT: The inside of her mouth is clear. When one of ours had fowl pox, none of the others got it, so I guess it's possible the others wouldn't have it.
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Dry skin can be itchy. It's possible she has just scratched the spots with dry skin, right? The smaller spots looks like they've been scratched. I don't know about the other side.
These pictures were taken about 7 weeks ago when the other side of her face was swollen (the side with the small spots) & we first went to the vet. The patch of white where she now has the biggest spot is there.


She hasn't separated herself from the flock & no one is picking on her, but she's still a little slow and the first in the coop for bedtime. She does look better today though. Hopefully even better tomorrow.
The vet said with all the problems since the end of August, she is going to do some research & consult with colleagues. Fowl pox is a possibility, but with everything else & not the typical fowl pox lesions it's a mystery for now. I'll post an update as soon as I hear back from her.

It was very helpful to have taken so many pictures of Mrs. Pickles over time; I sent the vet a link to a dropbox file with all the pictures so she can look & share as needed.
The vet said it's most likely fowl pox. She said ringworm looks similar but doesn't have turn into black scabs. We could find out for sure with a biopsy, but that would be too much stress for poor Mrs. Pickles.

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