Unusual Fowl Pox - Necropsy Results

Oh dear. So how do you treat? As you have been? I know that lots of things that are normally contagious in a flock can many times affect only one bird, who for whatever reason has lowered resistance compared to everyone else. It seems to work that way in our flock.
The virus just has to run its course. I think summer heat, dehydration, fowl pox, an injury causing a swollen eye, and a spider bite just happened at the same time. I haven't spoken with the vet about the combination, but I will next time I see her. Maybe the spider bite allowed the virus to develop faster on the broken skin.
Or, maybe the spider bite thing was actually part of the fowl pox...or maybe the fowl pox part was a reaction to the venom from the spider bite. Very odd, anyway.
Guess who has lesions appearing on her face again?! She went the whole month of November without a spot.

Hey guys! :frow Thought I'd pop in and see if I can offer some advice. :) It does look a bit like Fowl Pox, though I have no experience with it. :/ I did look through the whole thread though and I found it amazing how much her face swelled! I've never seen anything like it!
Hey guys! :frow Thought I'd pop in and see if I can offer some advice. :) It does look a bit like Fowl Pox, though I have no experience with it. :/ I did look through the whole thread though and I found it amazing how much her face swelled! I've never seen anything like it!

Thank you. Please keep giving your advice!

It's all very strange. I haven't seen any cases of fowl pox that look like poor Mrs. Pickles and neither has the vet. The different ways she has been swollen are odd too & none seem typical of fowl pox either.
Wow.  Well if she is still responding to the medicine you are giving her, that's a plus. 

I think so too. We've started her on meloxicam again & the vet said there's not much more we can do unless the lesions become infected and/or more painful and/or she stops eating.

I noticed yesterday she was having trouble judging where the roost was to jump up. Today, the pupil on the side currently erupting into lesions is very small. Her head also looks a little swollen on that side.
Thank you. Please keep giving your advice!

It's all very strange. I haven't seen any cases of fowl pox that look like poor Mrs. Pickles and neither has the vet. The different ways she has been swollen are odd too & none seem typical of fowl pox either.
Yes, it is very strange.....
I do know that Fowl Pox has no cure, except for just letting it run its course, so I suppose just wait and see what happens.

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