Unusual Fowl Pox - Necropsy Results

The vet wasn't entirely sure what was wrong with Mrs. Pickles. She was concerned it was newcastle or possibly marek's during our first visit. After a week away from the flock, she was much better (and without any other symptoms). At our follow-up visit, the vet said it was okay to put her back with the flock.

The dosage given for Tylosin soluble is 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of water.
Thank you for checking on her. It's bad news. There was no change yesterday and then it got worse by around 4pm today. By 8:30pm, it was much worse. A visit to the vet when she returns from vacation on Monday will be too long to wait, so we will have to kill her ourselves.

Here is a photo from earlier today:
Mrs. Pickles actually seems better today, so I'm glad we didn't go ahead with killing her last night. It was too dark to dig a place for her.

She is drinking and is generally more interested in what's going on around her. I am hoping and praying she will be okay until Monday.

We've given her meloxicam and also sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim, both of which were left over from bumblefoot treatment. I measured and cut a piece of extra thin hydrocolloid dressing to fit. It will probably fall off soon because I didn't cut it small enough to miss the feathers above her eye. I'll cut another piece with that part cut out so it will hopefully stick until Monday.

The swelling seems to have gone down, but maybe that's just me being hopeful. The spot is black this morning. I don't know if that's good or bad. Last night, it was almost like the skin around the edge turned purple and melted away as we watched. I lifted an edge of the area last night, hoping something would drain, but it's solid. That may be the reason for the color change.


Wow. It definitely looks like some kind of abscess to me , but it could still be like a spider bite or something too. I hope she continues to improve and can make it to Monday for he vet. Have you tried to put any antibiotic ointment on it?
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Thank you. We're in Central Texas, so we have brown recluse spiders and fire ants. My husband and I have each had fire ant bites this summer which looked ended up looking similar to poor Mrs. Pickles. They usually aren't this bad. My husband said maybe it's a different species just making its way to our area. Anyhow, I'll give an update soon. Hopefully it will be a good one.
yeah I saw that you werr in tTexas that's what reminded me about the person (also in Texas) whose poor hen apparently ate the Brown Recluse, but didn't kill it before she swallowed it...:( Hope she does well overnight! Keep us posted.

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