Update!~12-16 Orps!~24hrs~Lavender~Isabel~Split~GoldLaced Project~


BeakHouse's Mad Chicken Scientist
15 Years
Aug 17, 2008
Larry, KS
My Coop
My Coop
24 hour auction!!

This is Lav roos and an Isabel F1 roo over a flock of Isabel F1 hens, Lavender hens, and a Lav Mottled hen.

I have filled every incubator spot with eggs and have others on the way for the Easter Hatchalong, so I have no choice but to offer some up for others...or eat them.

For visual reference, there's a thread about Isabel Partridge Brahmas overseas: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=383078

should help you envision the black and gold hens in my pics with the lavender and diluted buff.

I will be hatching them all again as soon as I have room, so jump on this if you have an interest in the project.



The following is a porcelain d'Uccle, who is young enough to have very little white showing at the tips of his feathers, so imagine this coloring on an Orp, and you'll understand what Isabel will look like.


Some of the pics show birds other than Orps, but those are older pics, and these have been Orps only for months. My birds are big, heavy, friendly, productive layers, and we select for size, shape and temperament.

We have Isabel F1s, which will produce either an incomplete Gold-Laced Split to Lavender or Isabels. We have Lavenders from 3 different lines. All eggs will be split to or showing Lavender. These are housed together. I will provide 8+ fresh eggs, based on what they give me. The previous winners each got 12.

I'm starting the eggs low, but keeping the auction short, so keep an eye on it!!

There are no black/blue/splash birds, split or otherwise in this group- these pics are included just for reference on the shape and stock used to get where we are now...because I'm bad and keep neglecting to buy a camera so I can take current pics...












Guitartists made some Punnett squares some time back that helped folks understand the genetics of certain dilutors, so I thought I'd alter them to make some for Isabels.



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I'm currently at 8 eggs from yesterday, and they generally lay a bunch, so this will be a dozen even. that's all that fits in the foam...and it's my last set of foam until I get fowlrus to send me more!!
So, ok, I'm still a bit confused. Does an Isabel F1 appear Isabel? Or, are they split to isabel? Also, what is the results of LAV x Isabel F1.....
Isabel F1 is carrying only one Lavender dilutor, so they look Black and Buff (in this case, since I'm working on Gold-Laced at the same time, it's an incomplete lacing pattern). They are being bred to Lavender to complete the Lavender dilution, so the offspring will be 50% GL project (carrying Lavender) and 50% Isabel. Because some of my birds carry the Mottled gene (just hatched another Lavender Mottled) there is progress toward a Porcelain Orp in here, as well. There is a small chance of hatching one, but it's so small (like 1/128) that it's not worth counting, and there is a small chance of the F1 roo and an F1 pullet producing a GL project bird which does NOT carry Lav at all, but it's a terribly tiny chance, as he never gets to touch the girls, anyway!!

Lav x F1= 50% LavSplit/GLProject, 50% Isabel
Lav x Lav= 100% Lav
F1 x F1= 25% Isabel, 50% LavSplit/GL Project, 25% GL Project

There are 2 Lav roos, one F1 roo, and tons of F1 and Lav hens.

Did my rambling answer your question?
If the winner wants to forgo the foam and the girls lay a lot today, I can fit 16 in a large postal box in bubble wrap.

I'm not going to have room in an incubator until Tues or Weds, so I may as well put them out there to you folks.

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