UPdate from the fair White Crested Polish,


10 Years
Apr 14, 2009
upstate NY
The back of a cockerel's head about 5-6 months old. Please. The reason i ask is because i think there's something worng with Phil's head. I can see the base of his feathers, where there's blood.

He acts ok. maybe I'm just PARANOID.

ok ,here's 2 pics, he a fast lil guy...lol


Does this look right to you?

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see how there's yellow at the base, then the redish (i think it's blood).

like i said he's young, and i've never owned a Polish B4... So, i just want to make sure this is correct..
thanks again

PERSONAL NOTE: I'm over the 500 mark....
It looks like he's either:

A) coming off a molt, and these are new feathers
B) he's being pecked on the head, which could be a cause of blood


C) He has mites which are affecting the feather growth.

With that being said, the feathers look like they should.
There's No blood, just has that red color at the base of each feather.... If it's mites would he be scratching or something....? I don't see him doing that at all... Maybe I'll just powder him w/seven, do you think that will take care of it...?

It's almost like his head is to big for the feathers and they're not fully grown... IDK... He's not moulting, or i don't think he is...
Do they moult at 5 months?

Yes, I would dust for mites, & again in a week to kill off any new hatch. Sevin dust seems to work the best for me, but make sure they're dusted GOOD.

you think it's mites too?... We just dusted everyone's butt and grease their legs 2 weeks ago, but we didn't do his head.... They're going to have their pullurium test Monday. This is not good...
Hey! Don't worry...nothing wrong. His feathers are coming in nicely. The red base on new head feathers is typical in Polish of this age. Looks like he is going to have an excellent crest! If you are at all concerned about mites, I'd spray some Frontline on his crest (a little) and under each wing. That'll take care of any creepy crawlies for a couple months. Good luck!
baregretchen wrote:Hey! Don't worry...nothing wrong. His feathers are coming in nicely. The red base on new head feathers is typical in Polish of this age. Looks like he is going to have an excellent crest! If you are at all concerned about mites, I'd spray some Frontline on his crest (a little) and under each wing. That'll take care of any creepy crawlies for a couple months. Good luck!

turtlefeathers wrote:I totally agree with Gretchen - that Frontline spray is good stuff!!! Its alittle pricey, but SOOOOO worth it!!!

...great news...

thank you both...Now another question has popped up....Can I use Frontline after I've already used Seven? I have a $10.00 coupon to blue Seal....

One more question, do Polish chicks have more diseases? Easy to contact more?

It's early AM and i haven't had enough coffeee, to think this through... ( we need a lack-of coffee, smily)
thank you again..

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