Updated 6-12-2018 - Calendar Chit Chat, and Possible Calendar Entries -Feedback Wanted

I like 3 but I'd eliminate that one, color is just not right.

I asked, so get out from under that chair! :D

I actually used the "enhance" function on that pic, it was dark. and I cropped it. Here's the original, and a couple others taken at the same time. I think it was getting dusk outside. And her wild coloring is rough to capture!
WP_20170826_12_04_58_Pro.jpg WP_20170826_12_04_53_Pro.jpg WP_20170826_12_04_50_Pro.jpg
I asked, so get out from under that chair! :D

I actually used the "enhance" function on that pic, it was dark. and I cropped it. Here's the original, and a couple others taken at the same time. I think it was getting dusk outside.
View attachment 1131070 View attachment 1131071 View attachment 1131073
Yep dusk can help ya or hurt ya with color. My ducks like to stay in the darkest spots in my yard! Impossible to get a good pic at dusk! I lead them out in the sun and they are like oh heck no and take off running. :th
Here, criticize away please!
well focused, good lighting
1 - i really like the colors and setting
2 - ladder and stuff in the background are distracting
3 - duck in the background and the ladder in the tree isnt as distracting but the pure white duck is lol
4 - is it ok if i just say i dont like it :oops: lol shes looking the wrong way
5 - i like the head tilt/angle but i think for people to appreciuate the beauty in a turkey they need to see the feathers
6 - lol, eyelid
7 - busy, if you could get rid of the house, wires and f150 it would be a nice image with great colors and contrasts

she looks fuzzy to me in the 1st 4 images but not the fifth, in the 6th the white of her neck feathers wash out some of the other colors. i really like 5 except maybe the dock/goose in the corner

Wow! Is that a muscovy? Don't know if I spelled that right.
I usually think those are ugly . :oops:
yes you did and yes she is, and me too lol

I'm down to these 5. ELIMINATE one for me??
:love but i dont wanna

Thanks for the input.
5 is huge, can be cropped a lot more, but I was afraid he'd be too much "in your face"

Like so...
View attachment 1130817
Thinking about changing my entry. :rolleyes: This is the one I have entered. An the second photo is the one I'm thinking of changing it to. Thoughts? Ignore the double image.View attachment 1131565 View attachment 1131565 View attachment 1131567
i like the 1st better, better color saturation

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