Updated Pics of my "golden wonder" chick


8 Years
Apr 27, 2011
NW Missouri
I have Tibetans and English Whites and when I got them they were kept in the same cage for a while, I hatched some eggs as a test hatch to make sure they were fertile and got 7 out of 10 babies ( I dropped one that was 14 days into incubation and 2 were yolkers )

I have a few that might be tuxedo like patters or could be all tibetans, im not sure as this is my first REAL attempt to breed quail other than bobwhites when I was younger.

I had one chick that was born golden with a light wild pattern, weird considering the "parent" birds were not gold but I do not fully understand the gene pattern of the Coturnix just yet ( if anyone knows of a post I would love to read up on it )

Here are two pics, one is on the first day of hatching and the next pic is 8 days old, as you can see its staying light and feathering out quite pretty

Sorry for the crappy second pic, I will attempt more later on and post them.


Nice Chick ! I cant wait to hatch my first chick, just put my first 24 cot eggs in the incubator this morning and have more arriving in a few days. I have always had chickens & always wanted to raise some quail. So much to learn as you say about the genetics but i'm willing to give it a go & with all the great folks on this site I dont see any question that cant be answered here !

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