Updated! - Test Your Diagnostic Skills - Warning, Contains Graphic Necropsy Photos

She must feed them really well!

I had a chick pip once, and some already hatched chick rolled the egg over and the poor thing suffocated.
Don't quote me on this, but I think all that fat is caused by eating too much grain and not enough protein... I've had a couple that look like that and they felt greasy during the necropsy.

I hate is when that happens to chicks, I've had the hens to that to them.

I just found a hen... Black Sex Link. 5 or 6 years old, possibly vaccinated for Marek's, but I'm not positive. Thin, poopy butt, full crop and her cloacal exam revealed many lumps in places they shouldn't be. Of course she's inside now, nice and warm so I will tube some fluids to her to see if that will help clear her crop, but I suspect that she has some sort of obstruction and/or the dying process has started.


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