Urgent! Duck acting weird?


7 Years
Apr 12, 2017
Atlanta, GA
My Coop
My Coop

Our duck has been acting weird all day. She's normally a very quiet duck but today has been especially quiet, not being with the rest of the flock. Went "missing" a few minutes ago, we just lost one of our ducks to a fox two days ago so was afraid the same happened to her even though I'd just went inside for a second to get food for them. Called for her all over yard, no response. Looked under their favorite bush and she was just sitting in there.

What could be wrong? Could she be egg-bound? Maybe something having to do with stress from being chased by a fox two days ago? Because the day after we lost our duck we only got 3 eggs; we usually get 7 or 8.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

I only have one duck ( and shes an inside duck) but from observing her I can tell she gets dressed easy. Maybe it's a female thing, lol. When shes laying I have noticed she lays less eggs if she gets stressed and kind of gets grouchy and stays to herself for a bit. Not sure if it's any help bit hopefully it helps u stress less.
Sorry you have to deal with this on top of losing your duck.

Is she acting differently physically? For instance, does it look like she is trying to lay an egg but can't? Wagging her tail a lot? Walking funny?

Have you looked her over for any injuries she may have gotten during the attack?

Normally, the first thing you want to try with an egg bound duck is a warm bath. That usually helps them pass the egg. If she isn't egg bound it wouldn't hurt her so there's really no harm in trying. She may get stressed by herself so it would be a good idea to bring another member of the flock to keep her company.

My guess is that she is depressed and stressed from the attack. Ducks do feel the loss of flock members. If that is the case, she may just need time and maybe a little extra attention. I personally would not separate her from the rest of the flock. I think that would cause more stress.
*hugs* sorry your loss.

I don't know your duckie flocks configuration.

Do you have boy duckies? Is it possible she is being over mated? One of my girl duckies will separate out when she needs some time to herself.

With my guys (all animals) whenever there is a change in membership, they all react differently. So it may be a little while before she bounces back from missing her buddy.
Hey everyone,

Sorry I wasn't able to get back -- I didn't see these replies!

My guess is she was stressed because egg production has been down - we still haven't gotten eggs from all our ladies on a day (eg., 7 eggs from 7 ducks).

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