Using the egg cartoon methods with shipped eggs??

Well, my batch of eggs are due to hatch in 6 days, so I am now leaning towards lying them on their sides but propped up. It does seem to be more of a challenge for the chick to get out of an upright egg than one that is vertical. I guess Gravity is working on its side lying down.

As for letting the eggs settle, I let them sit for 6-8 hours and those that have made it through the shipping develop and those that are very damaged don't. I also don't start turning them till day 3.
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My air cells were so crazy that I let mine sit for close to 48 +/-...around 34 in their cool environment and 14 or so in the incubator's room. I have had them in the 'bator for going on two days now and will finally turn the auto-turner on tomorrow night... Only my second attempt for shipped eggs. This is also my first opportunity to use an automatic turner. Hope that goes off without a hitch?!

I had a 100% hatch. 11/11 hatched pic of one just hatched and then when I moved 10 of them into brooder was still waiting for the last egg.
Wow! That is cool. Did you incubate the whole time in the cartons, or just for lockdown? Do you think that would make a difference? I incubated mine in little stands that I made, but then laid them on their side for lockdown, and had 3 that couldn't get out of the shell. One I assisted, the other two, I didn't help in time :(
Sorry to hear you lost two :hugs No I didn't incubate in cartons. My incubator has dividers and foam cushions that you set the eggs in. I set them quite upright though. Here's a pic.

I do all my eggs at lockdown now in egg cartons. Makes clean up easier and I know which egg is which and can monitor progress easily. Would most certainly recommend it for shipped eggs. I think it keeps the air sac nice and secure. The only down side is if you have one pip the wrong end of the egg it can be hard to spot.
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Sorry to hear you lost two
No I didn't incubate in cartons. My incubator has dividers and foam cushions that you set the eggs in. I set them quite upright though. Here's a pic.

I do all my eggs at lockdown now in egg cartons. Makes clean up easier and I know which egg is which and can monitor progress easily. Would most certainly recommend it for shipped eggs. I think it keeps the air sac nice and secure. The only down side is if you have one pip the wrong end of the egg it can be hard to spot.
Thanks! :) That was my first attempt incubating, so I'm sure I did a lot of things wrong. Many of the shipped eggs I got had giant air cells, and I think I didn't have humidity high enough, and by the time hatch day came, the air cells took up almost half the shell. So, when hatch day came, I think that they couldn't turn to the proper position. Anyway, I had another question. When you put the eggs in the carton, do you put them exactly upright, or at kind of a tilt?
I cut the cartons down so they are quite shallow but still enough to support the egg upright. Depending how the eggs fit in the carton some are on a slight tilt some are very upright. Hope you have better luck with cartons, keep us posted on how it goes.

These are how they were set at lockdown last time.
I wanted to thank you for alerting us newbies to this method. I just used it for the NY D Hal. It is great! I had several saddle air cells from shipped eggs. I'm still waiting on word (not at home right now) but I may have had a 100%hatch on a set of eggs shipped from CA! I wish I'd known about using cartons before, but now that I do, I am using this method from now on!
I wanted to thank you for alerting us newbies to this method. I just used it for the NY D Hal. It is great! I had several saddle air cells from shipped eggs. I'm still waiting on word (not at home right now) but I may have had a 100%hatch on a set of eggs shipped from CA! I wish I'd known about using cartons before, but now that I do, I am using this method from now on!

No probs :highfive:

So pleased to hear you have had good results using this method and it has worked out for you well,it's definatly my preferred method. Good luck with your future hatching :thumbsup

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