Utah anyone?

Hmm, you're about a 5 hour or more drive from our end of the state... not sure that works for either of us.

My room mates would probably fuss if I added a roo that is already crowing... one of our 10 wk old Black Astrolorp's let out about half a crow this morning, and now Cindy has her sites set on our first chicken dinner.

In all, we'll have nearly a dozen to butcher.
Hi Tinkerchick,

The "roos" have a bit of a reprieve. Mom's enjoying the concert, and we're so far out in the boondocks that no one else even cares... that's if they can hear them.

This next month, most will meet their demise and be stored in the freezer for dinner. Today they're just 12 weeks old, and being "heavies" they have a couple of weeks to go yet.
I am in Murray, got 4 chicks from the local IFA and 2 have turned into Roo's. The americauna has been dispatched but the banty is my favorite so not sure what is going to happen to him. The americauna was making a nuisance of himself with the female banty so sending him to his maker was a herioc act (he was older & way toooo big for her) where is this "other" Utah posting?
I just ran across this thread . . . I'm in Richmond, in THE beautiful Cache Valley, as they say around here. I'm currently in the process of downsizing the flock before a move out of state. It's been so hard to let them go! Care for any White Rocks, anyone?

I am new to this forum and just thought I would tell ya'll my question to see if I could get an answer, so here it goes.. I am looking for 2 Rhode Island Reds that are pretty well feathered out does anyone know anyone around that needs to sell or get rid of a few. I really thank anyone that can help me with my search.
wow! wasn't expecting to see any activity on this thread....

Clemson -where are you located? RIR chicks are pretty prevalent right now, but pullets and hens I'm not as sure about. I'd type in an "In Search Of" at KSL classifieds under "poultry" for what you're looking for. I have one hen, if you get desperate, that I'd be willing to sell - she's a bit of a pet, but we're growing a few new ones and will need some room.

good luck.


I could never take your pet I would feel really bad. Thank you for tip, I will check ksl and see what I can find.

I'm in Lehi, just getting started with my chickens!

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