
Hi Cynthia!!! (That was from my mom)
Thanks! That's why I'm asking here again. In the past people recommended Arlene. Does Suzee sell hatchery birds or is she a breeder?
i think arlene is the lady i got my two younger girls from, she did not have a large yard but had hundreds of chickens there and you could smell them from down the street. most of them were still young but still that was a lot of chickens. i have been happy with my girls i got from her and they are healthy but i do not plan on buying any chickens from her again because there are far better places to buy from such as the guy in lindon that runs the get chickens website and sells coops on ksl, i got my first girls from him and have been so happy with them! he breeds too i think but does not sell chickens all the time
Thanks! That's why I'm asking here again. In the past people recommended Arlene. Does Suzee sell hatchery birds or is she a breeder?

Suzee is a breeder. She has beautiful Marans, EE's, RIR's, Black Sex links. I think I just saw that she has some Cal. Whites for sale too.
wow, I wasn't aware of these guys, going to bookmark though, and watch what is said about them. They look good.
I'm not even sure how I found the site. I just know that at one point I found it and emailed the link to myself so I wouldn't lose it!
omg they have cream legbars! one day i will get some of those but i think i may have to wait for a while because they are so rare and when i did find a breeder out of state selling them they were not cheap! but it is very good to know someone here in utah is breeding them
omg they have cream legbars! one day i will get some of those but i think i may have to wait for a while because they are so rare and when i did find a breeder out of state selling them they were not cheap! but it is very good to know someone here in utah is breeding them

legbars? Are they good layers??

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