
Mine are only six weeks old so I am not totally sure but I think I have at least one roo, an EE.

He's also available.

Darn chickens!
SurprisingWoman - sorry it took me so long to answer. Been a hectic week. Since we finally got some nice weather, it's been catchup with yard work and the like. I didn't go to the tour, but it was great to meet everyone at the chickenstock. PacsMan and waibel zoo both went on the Tour and had good things to say. It was nice to have a chance to meet everybody and put a face to their name, so thanks Marty for organizing it.

What's the color of your six week old EE roo? We just had a scare when one of our 13 week EEs grew what looked like tail feathers and one morning made a weird noise, like it was learning to crow. Thankfully the weird feathers fell out naturally, she hasn't made the noise again, and after an extensive BYC search, I'm 95% sure we have a hen. She doesn't have the three pea comb. Whew. But she's still an odd little chicken.

I'd love a roo, they are so pretty. I'm just not into being woken at 4:30 every morning (by the roo across the street). We've got at least three in our neighborhood and I don't think the neighbors would dig a fourth.
Well, after looking and looking I think my roo maybe a hen after all.

She (they) are the brown and gold. Very pretty birds. I am so attached to all of them, I really hope they are girls.

I have started letting them freerange in the evening when we are outside to watch for predators. They like to free range for an hour or so and then go back to their pen when it's dusk.

So nice that they trained themselves.

Hope you are all doing well.
Oh Wow! I just found out my White Rooster is crowing. Let him out this morning to very pronounced crows. They lasted about 3 mins and then he gave up.

Wow. I really hope he doesn't get in the habit of being a jerk early in the morning, or he's gonna have to go.

Anyone else have Roo problems?
Yup. I'm going to take some more pictures tomorrow and post them. I also need a better picture of my fenced in run for the site. I should have a lid soon (I pray). Yesterday I found chicken poop on the top of the fence. Maybe they're jumping up and then coming back? We'll see.
Can't wait to see some pics tomorrow! There is someone here on BYC that keeps her rooster in total darkness until 9 a.m. to keep him from being too loud and annoying the neighbors. Sounds like a lot of work, but I've done stranger things just to keep a critter before.

How high is your fence? Our campine flew over a four foot fence yesterday, so you're probably right about them getting up there and then jumping back in.
Yeah, it's about 38 to 48 inches, so completely possible. Just gotta get a lid on
Every night I come home and have to check inside the coop to see how many are in there before I close their door. Would hate to lock one out (or a racoon in).
Here are some pictures of them:
Kellog (the newly crowing one) is the white one center bottom. Noah (the curageous female runt) is to the right. The other two are named Janet. (I have 4 females, only one has a unique name, Noah, because she stands out. The other three are interchangeable, so they're called Janet)

Here is Liam (My other rooster) and two Janets in the coop:

I Also updated my page to show my fenced run, and the run heights. Still no lid for it yet, but they've been behaving so it's all good.

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Hi UTAH! I am very impressed with your coop, bootsuu. I have been hunting for a coop on every site I can find-I just can't make up my mind. My DH was going to build but he's better at demolition than building if you know what I mean. I only have 3 girls-bantams. We had a rooster but when he started crowing, I found a home for him on ksl.com. Now I have a hen that thinks she's a rooster-she hasn't quite got the crow down yet but is pretty close. Two of mine are 4-1/2 months and I have a 7 week chick who thinks I'm her mommy-she can be EXTREMELY vocal if she's not being held.

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