
Sundancen, I've missed you too! Maybe I'll have to break away from house renovations and visit you before you go to Mesa. I'm glad to hear you're going there for the winter. I think that will be so great for you!

Six chicks is fun, Lisa! SOmeday it would be even funner to hatch a couple dozen but don't have the ability now.

I am so lazy. I still haven't even put my night light out for the chickens, and laying is way, way down.

I'll also have to tell ya'll the story of the skunk.

Any chicks are fun! (Less is probably more fun, less work!)....I meant the prospect of having 6 hens haha :D How do you choose? That would be so hard :confused:
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I actually worked a LOT this summer, and didn't have much time for the interwebs.  Also, we bought a HUD home and are rehabbing it. Once it's fixed up, we'll move in. That will hopefully happen before Christmas. The really sad thing about this lot is it's only .25 acres, so my rooster can't come along. Also, I think I'm only supposed to have 6 hens. I figure people can't really tell the difference from 6 to 15, but I'll still have to get rid of some. I think maybe I've avoided this group because I'm trying to avoid that reality, you know?

I did do a hatch for a homeschool group. Six eggs developed, and all six hatched today. Two were hatched with fused toes, so I'm not sure how that's going to work out. They're sure cute though.
welcome back! if you have any youngish pure legbars/ fbcm girls that you want to rehome i might be interested
So I've been super swamped. Glad to see Wendy back on here, Sad you can't have your rooster, because I'm down to only Penguin, and she hasn't laid since August. :( I actually had one of my Hatch A Long Pullets aggressively attack my other one that I got from you, and she didn't make it. I literally cried. So I might have to get some eggs or something from you before you don't have any more Maran's. Oh and I think I can only have 10-12 not really sure on the correct number, but I have 18 right now, no one has said a thing. But then again, no one really knows they are back there. HeHe. Pay your neighbors with eggs, I do...

Anyways. Someone I do agility with wants to know where the cheapest place is to get feed for 20 or so chickens, I think there is about 30 runner ducks out there, and several turkeys. Since its getting colder they are eating a ton, even though they have a full acre of free range grass. I told her to start growing Fodder, I totally wish I could, but I know that Cynthia said something about somewhere in Spanish Fork. Gary do you know anywhere else that is cheap too? They are in Bluffdale, but if the price is right, they will drive for it. Thanks!
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Karen, my feed is basically scratch. Corn, wheat, and barley ground up. 14 -16 % protein.I do have to add oyster shell for calcium. Depending on what you read barley is ether OK or bad for adult chickens and deadly for chicks. I have been feeding my flock this mix for two years and as far as i know it hasn't killed any of my birds, even chicks. I transition them off of chick feed to the scratch at 8 weeks. I also watch for people getting rid of old food storage wheat. Last spring i filled 3 55 gallon drums full and still have enough to fill 2 more when that runs out. The place i get the feed from delivers for a small fee and will deliver 250 lbs min. but there is no max amount. I just got 250 lbs and it came to just over $50.00.
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Does anyone want some fertile Silkie/Sizzle eggs for free? I have 1 dozen available. The oldest eggs out of the 12 was laid 10-31. I have been selling them but i am getting more then i can sale. I hate throwing them away after 10 days and i have no broody's at the current time. I have people asking if i ship eggs but i don't know the first thing about doing it and don't you have to be licensed? Anyway some of these eggs are coming from a beautiful splash Silkie and a small paint Sizzle. Iluv wasn't you looking for some eggs to practice with? Also is anyone heading to Ephraim soon? I have someone wanting some eggs that lives there. Here is a picture of the of the Silkie and Sizzle took last month. They have filled out and are both very nice looking.
I'm with Silly on the overkill being nice to neighbors thing. I had 30 chickens at one point in West Valley. Legal limit is 4. And it's not like the whole neighborhood didn't know where the chicken house was. Eep..... our limit in Tooele is 10. I figure 12 is close enough :)

Sphinx, not Houdini! Nooo!

Lisa, I wish I could take that marans boy for you. He sounds handsome. Alas, I already have too many boys here. A couple of them are preparing for their freezer cruise. But if I could get a new rooster of choice, I'd be tempted to get a BJG :)
So I have to share... I've only been getting one egg a day from one hen for the last month. Well, about a week ago I turned on a heat lamp out in the coop to keep the chicks a bit warmer, and guess what! The last 3 days I have gotten 3 eggs! Score!
I'm reading you guys talking about your limits, and I have to chuckle... my limit is 6 hens... but I have a pocket size Dutch bantam as my 7th ;) I figured she's like 1/4 the size of a regular hen... that she's more just a pet... like a dove... so she doesn't count ;)
Diana, the little ones are getting big! I love the colors! The brown and copper colored one is a frizzle. I guess i will have to wait and see how it turns out. The family says we are keeping it. The other one is a color i have never seen. They are living with a couple silkies the same age so far they are getting along with the Silkies. The momma hen hatched them and then left them in the nest box to keep three others warm that had somehow gotten out of the box. They were all most dead when i found them. Luckily my incubator was still on so i threw them in for a couple hours and they were good to go.


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